Kjo faqe këtu është vetëm për diskutim mbi artikullin Kuaternari. Wikipedia nxit diskutimin mes vullnetarëve të saj dhe nuk do të censurojë komente bazuar në pikëpamjet ideologjike ose politike. Wikipedia nuk do t’i ndryshojë komentet. Ato ose do të publikohen, ose do të fshihen nëse nuk u binden rregullave kryesore.
Fillo një temë të re diskutimi.
Ju lutemi nënshkruani me: – ~~~~

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Redefinition and base of Quaternary and Pleistocene Redakto

Excuse me for writing in English. I received the following message from a colleague. I suggest (if still necessary) the relevant pages should be modified accordingly:

Dear Quaternary colleague,

The International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS ) has recently ratified to redefine the base of the Quaternary and Pleistocene at 2.6 Ma (see below). The end of a long lasting battle?


The IUGS Executive Committee has ratified a request from the IUGS International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) regarding the definition of the base of Quaternary System/Period (and top of the Neogene System/Period), and redefinition of the base of the Pleistocene Series/Epoch (and top of the Pliocene Series/Epoch). The ICS submitted for IUGS ratification its recommendation that:

1) the base of the Pleistocene Series/Epoch be lowered such that the Pleistocene includes the Gelasian Stage/Age and its base is defined by the Monte San Nicola GSSP, which also defines the base of the Gelasian;

2) the base of the Quaternary System/Period, and thus the Neogene-Quaternary boundary, be formally defined by the Monte San Nicola GSSP and thus be coincident with the bases of the Pleistocene and Gelasian; and

3) with these definitions, the Gelasian Stage/Age be transferred from the Pliocene Series/Epoch to the Pleistocene.

More information on the subject can be found on our website: http://www.geo.uu.nl/inqua-nl/ or on http://www.quaternary.stratigraphy.org.uk/ Kind regards,

JS On behalf of INQUA-Netherlands

PalaeoMal 28 Korrik 2009 11:09 (CEST)

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