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Neil deGrasse Tyson jep një përkufizim të gabuar të agnosticizmit Redakto

Neil deGrasse Tyson claims that he is agnostic; but gives a weird definition of the term; and NEVER mentions his definition directly. (If he is an "agnostic atheist", he is a bad physicist, because he deems the personocratic bias wrong, but erroneously important (because infinite biases are possible; but usually only the beneficial ones are postulated; religions are NOT analytically causal theories thus they should be judged within an infinity of alternatives including the non-personocratic biased like cosmogony from shoes, books, cars and an infinity of arbitrary theories - ONLY ANALYTICALLY CAUSAL THEORIES DESERVE TO BE JUDGED FOR THEIR SPECIFICS ON THE COSMOGONY, BECAUSE THEY DO HAVE SPECIFICS; if a theory lacks analytical description of cosmogony and simply is a storytelling, it should be judged within an infinity of ALL alternatives, including the NON-PERSONOCRATIC postulations because we need to know the PHASE SPACE of all possible arbitrary theories, in order we judge the STATISTICAL SIGNIFICANCE of one out of the infinite theories.)

If Neil deGrasse Tyson believes that the term "agnostic" incudes the "atheist who doesn't deem god an important theory but doesn't have a complete atheometaphysics like Max Tegmark", then Neil deGrasse Tyson doesn't know English, because the term "agnostic" doesn't mean "atheist with incomplete theory"/adherent of some form of incomplete metaphysical naturalism.

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