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Ju lutemi nënshkruani me: – ~~~~

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Myrteza Kazadej Redakto

Hi. If you think the contents of this article is non-encyclopaedical, then please do not just blank it, but nominate it for deletion (with {{grise|<reason>}}. Thank you, Wutsje 18 Shtator 2009 08:03 (CEST)

where can i find the format to put it in? thankyou-- 18 Shtator 2009 08:04 (CEST)

I think you will find all you need here: Stampa:Grise. Regards, Wutsje 18 Shtator 2009 08:06 (CEST)
Fyi: it will have to be something like: {{grise|nonnotability|give your reason here}}. Wutsje 18 Shtator 2009 08:12 (CEST)

Meny thanks !!!-- 18 Shtator 2009 08:13 (CEST)

You're welcome. Wutsje 18 Shtator 2009 08:14 (CEST)