Vajza (fshat): Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Rreshti 17:
1. To get to the village girl qarkutVlorë is a single road that crosses the divides between through or shpirtine Laberia heart. This road has a ready early roots, when it came time OSEM clearly when mriti day to make way journey takes tatëpjetënnë second left with a slight twist in the old South axis-axis axis Nëpërkëtë should go. About 10 km before the journey was made with the first pitch nëfillesën 90s. On the road to a village that has feminine name and ebukura quite bluntly called Girl. Here speaks leave Ali Aslani. I bëjmënjë specified word increased Asllani poet. But where has remained lyrical poet, distinguished diplomat dhekryetari mayor of Vlora Ali Aslani? What is the apartment? There are a century as the border between the ages qërendin to escape itself. ". Ali Aslani was born in the city of Vlora, with 20 nëntor1882 writes Dr.Prof B.Gace. His father, Aslan Sulejmani, the village girls, Gribes mountain range, settled in Vlora after high school head teologjinëislame in Istanbul. At the end of the study was appointed mufti of the city. Gjatestudimeve in Istanbul, he met Isuf MeMini by village Trevllazer. Kjomiqësi made to marry his daughter entered Meminaj. Ali Asllani vdiqenprinderit, when he was still vogel.Duke continue on this note says that Sulejman Rexhepi marking his memoirs: "In village girl, AliAsllani went in Konak childhood Seit Muharram. Seiti death moved nekonaket preacher Solomon, who gave religious lessons Turkish epersisht.,. "Z. So, who was born in the village Girl tëVlorës, poet or the father of the poet, diplomat, politician? Mark Gurakuqi in his study Monograph "AliAsllani of" bring unknown data, this paper was published in book The B.Gace "Ali Aslani was born in November (and not in February, bone dhanendonjihere) of the year 1883 (the not 1884, as the bones given to "shkrimtaretshqiptare", part II, page 325) 1.Ai was born in boils thotëGurakuqi, in a timely displaced families from the village Girls of by ishtebabagjyshi, that called Sulejman.I father, Aslan Sulejmani Girl left in boiling, we madrasas. A religious teachings attended upwards. Went to Istanbul where he continued dhembaroi lessons we theollogji.Kemi by this author data indicate that the father ipoetit Ali Suleiman died there since 1889, when his son, Ali, was 6vjec. Next poet remained amen, Hyrine says from familjaMeminaj, we village Trevllazen, Vjosa lips. Three years later, in 1892, Ali evogel found the second disaster, his mother died. For care kushërini, SeitMuharremi from the girl, after the death of Seiti, Sulejman kaput (Hoxha), is ngaVajza. Other data that has brings Y.Bora and Q.Mthonë poet returning summer vacation or girl Trevëllazër tekdajot. The girl is a village located in the municipality currently useless in Vlora district municipality consists of sajfshatrat useless, Lapardha, Vodica Girl Drashovicë • Mavrovo • Igoumenitsa, Hysoverdhë, Mazhar • Scale-Mavrovo. Ka which he ikushtoi a poem is 30 km from the city flag, and if the way derinë Oak neck goes along Susica times are times not there kthehet.Edhe residents have heard that the poet returning here in the village. Poetiështë grew up in this village and paved find another fact. Kemisërish a return to his village girl. Pakkohë then left political life and went to the village of Vlora girl. Kohëqë coincides War II years. We these data përmbledhurapër life in his village Vlora girl. In this village he created edhepoezitë dedicated Rexhepi pearls and other more well-known poem "Hakërrim.1942 From south to north darkness reigns, / through fields, hills, fizz njëegërsirë! So, O Come, eat, drink, eat, drink or 'CAS / Jackal, nat' dark is ras 'edeli ras'! Eat, drink and grab, fill the pockets, fill the crates, / pabrek 'you found lunch, milionier' jugjeti dinner! Eat, drink and grab, fill checkout, fill the pocket / gjersapopulli generous to answer: peqe, lepe! / He lives your have for him, pun 'his, sweat' forehead / 'kafshit your mouth. Long live jackal mouth! Thank God, no better, happiness and beauty, / and when it comes to you crying plight, hang buz 'mug! Eat, drink and assault, is time eçakenjvet; eat, drink assault is' bot maskarenjve ;/ Eat, drink, steal, collect all 'shares, monopole / tuti Excellency Excellency quanticome vuole! your zotris signature in the bank is worth million, you shines nëkraharuar Decorate "Grand CORDO"! And ask with ballhapur (! ) varfërt'ju nation thërres'gjith loud name: Excellence Shkelqes'dhe quhenipërhera Warrior 'patriot' in god and will bear ', below this god, this palozot! Grand CORDO zotris'sate in bay have 'set is' saliva egjakosur vremosur homeland; armchair where you went, remove nderinzvarr ', /' trikëmbshi daily nation depends on the rope! And zotrote kullurdise, something was done alleged against the husband tëvërtetë voice barking voice puke! Tunde us, rolling us in the room goes eshkunde / after hand armikutty with companion 'nose lifts. / Long Live friend thy stranger that day los eqesh, / promoted four degrees, though the two words 'in the ear! Time shakes epërdridhet, will come' day to be resolved and / sack pem 'kalburdoemos out' cast! Time shakes përdridhet, grading scales / nukdo remains nothing in hand except Vul 'black face! / However you s'kenipatur need' nor bad thing, / before all you thatëarmikut: " Peqe! "/ To capture an armchair, the bowed low, / hay threshold Going enemy bastard being obsessive! Neither you eating or drinking you, vetemtitilli you keep ... / As village 'poor burned ... kryekurva launches wings! Sidomosju Dodger, you heart as bruises, / you cunning, you caterpillar, jugjahtar 'in the darkness! / What have without eyes, what our eyes! ... your nose where nukhyri: Best of evil , spy more ndyri! racket in offices, shopping scam, / tëhuaj scam, scam Albanian '/ It's just a patch, and damage këtijvëndi / that you raised, that you raised, you ngopi, you dude! Nësekombi him around, tomorrow you do differently / wax made as to love, Owl 'and dallandyshe ... owl all, flattery, behave tomorrow generous mother mother hand masks, go give a deposit! 2. A poem Ali Asllani village girl: "Nekrye the village has a deli fountain-head / uj his ice stream in stream / and other nekrahun depends a mountain / an unrelenting torrent wave rattle / Mu in Mesta shore Allatoj / and houses of the village as fajkoj socket / best babagjyshitfshati village / by those who speak of free Laberi? They VENT blegërinshelegu scale / scale over there gasping Dybeku / around areas djamtë heqinvalle / under rap, old shade cry woe / Lahure embroidered bedene-bedene/sec ipaska shadow that protoene / her protoene with forks in the armpit / ther eye egris eyebrow / there some Koce go to the fountain-head / here animals depends nëpërrua / with Krab up a guy / over look kësulën, vërshëllin përposh ..... Currently the village today I dota call girl, the center of the worm, but came home a new and more work tëmëdha. Hosts have decorated courtyards have deleted baltërat side avllivedhe seems ndrinë village from such a view. Leaving daughter tëshkuar to the cave is a cave with red stones overhead. Poet AliAsllanin his description has probably been talking about Bee Cave: "Nëkatundin Vlora girl, further shore Allatoj / when you start to in Ploce, tëdjathtë, foot përrojt, there was a big cave dog / and on shoulder sajBeuni about full deer forest / caves called Bee Cave, May sithikë laid to rest, the wall-wall, honeycomb honeycomb honey had its geneva hidden ..... Reverence for Ali Asllani in this area. Njëbust and the name of the poet and ruler Ali Aslani was placed in a school tëmesme in a small town Laberia riverside Shushicë. Gjimazi: "Ali Aslani" located between njëgrumbullimi palaces of the time of socialism in the former farm farming tëKotës. Ali Aslani lies 10 km away from his native village girl where lindii father. From political life and activity of the personality will tëpërmend three cases, because his whole life is zhbiruar today publications ngadisa authors. 1 - After the declaration of Independence, Ismail Kamal, ibesoi the office of the Secretary General of the Presidency of the Council tëMinistrave, where he remained until January 22 tëvitit 1914. 2-After the liberation is one of the first themeluestë League of Writers and Artists. By 1952 mbahejnga low income from translations on behalf of the Institute of Science, but this was later cut. 3 - died in Tirana on December 20, 1966. Ablution true poets? 3. Ali activity Asllani in vendintonë, was very extensive, and in many areas of political life eshoqërore. He made a remarkable contribution and irreplaceable, as intelektualdhe patriot, as rulers and diplomat, in all these areas where they worked, lagjurmët and its brightness, high-level leaders with conscious tëpastër. Following the human story of the poet Q.Meminaj.Në any venddemokratik the world, said Ali Aslani, strengthen institutions by eshtetit, and citizens were made clear, that they should be followed by tëgjithë.Përveç this, ordered Mayor, the officers must njohinmirë their problems, covering, and follow every day so, qëdhe rules and laws of the state, become more understandable and tëthjeshta, to be implemented by qytetarët.Dhe this, he made his First and nëmënyrë përsosur.Ja telling my father Shuhaip Meminaj son dajos tijnga Trevëllazër village, which for several years, worked and took care of the main përlulishten Vlora. Even we, who had used and even grandson kushërinjtëtanë and other villagers from our village, Ali Efendi knew and iuthërriste dajo when putting in the South, did not go to meet him at City Hall, as herëqë like. Because he wanted to be with us, when it came into our homes, apoedhe when we went in his house, so serious was zyrë.Prandaj many times, or expect much out of the office, or go home tatakuar. Always ahead of the Municipality, he was ordered to work njëllustraxhi, while within the corridor, moving a wardrobe with some jackets ebluza.Dhe anyone who wants to go to meet the Mayor, should tifshinte shoes and dip them in ink, so that they mbanin.Nqs citizen kishmundësi not pay llustraxhinë, it paid its fund Municipality dhepastaj by time and wear and need a jacket, go to takuarKryetarin, Ali Efendinë.Dalë out, people began to understand and nëtakim go cleaner and better dressed, as well as opportunities qëkishin.Ali Asllani put these conditions, not only because they affect the growth ekulturës citizen, who then was necessary, but also tëndërgjegjësuar citizens, than in the office State that was resolved problemetdhe problems, which were protected and were guaranteed property and life, go irregulltë, you want respect those officers of government, because love your dherespektoje state that felt more need ather tij.Ishte this qëndrimdhe this preoccupation Ali Asllani institutions in Vlora, tëfunksionin normally, walking track, solving sëmiri, concerns and problems they had at the time, Vlora and numerous saj.Prandajishin citizens every day not only residents Vlora but banorëttë district villagers, who always went to meet Ali Asllani, President etyre.Edhe he looked with pleasure on the basis of competence and mundësiveqë had, they resolve complaints they had and did not close the office without leave ikënaqur citizen fundit.Ai implement these important tasks, not merely with his work his integrity, but also the work that do Exposure subordinates, who worked in the offices of the municipality of anywhere in the city, because in them he kishtezgjedhur and Located best intellectuals, economists, engineers and teknikqë had finished outside schools vendit.Pavarësishtë Ali Asllanikishte staff at City Hall, who were high level and relevant education, sipasfunksionit and tasks performed, he mjaftohej not so. Always kurmbaronte official schedule, the Mayor did not go home immediately, porkalonte there were given tasks in the morning, and controlled, than ishinzbatuar them, and in particular urbane.Siç services were eujrave channels white and black, built for the first time aporikostruktoheshin, until they had reached settlements, in any way, subject to drinking nëujë, sidewalk, park etj.Në morning when gathering civil, he nukpriste having them report on how they were performed tasks that had day eparë but give new tasks directly, because he knew his, scope and cilësinëe work, he made remarks about the work that was not done mirë.Kjo ivinte working with staff positions at City Hall and elsewhere, therefore atafilluan work and to act as Mayor. So work in Vlora, improve day by day, bëheshinmë good. Ali Asllani, had no blood ties, my porbabai loved so much that he considered the same as vëlla.Kur split ngajeta my dad, Uncle Ali, stayed in our house, full 40 days and pritingushëllimet, as his brother. But one day, he said are happened shumëngushtë, because informed us from the top, to go out of the house and dhomaku expected sympathy, because in our family, would come. KryeministriMehmet Shehu, to comfort. I N / He chairman of Tirana K.Ekzekutiv been hero brother. We went across the room and we were talking, that he kushishte man telling Ali Aslani, to leave the home. Ngaautoriteti that he had not received one courage but finally some friends mëdetyruan me to say. No words I could not say xhaAliut, I went and I outside but always with worry, because it was implemented, a significant order. However when he was Prime Minister, pass to us ishinradhitur no upside welcomed us and without making a sound, went into the room, cold dhënëdorën Uncle Aliut.Sa stayed there Prime Minister, spoke only with Uncle Ali, and none of us held an exchange of words Enjoy the conversation stayed rreth1.30. I said that when it came gave cold hand Uncle Ali, but however, when he escaped, he erroku neck and squeezed hard. To be honest, he told me, nashkriu blood, although expecting one day to talk and give me ndonjëmasë rëndë.Mbas few days ago Prime Minister spoke in the report, heads eK.Ekzekutiv, as Mayor of Tirana, was not there, the meeting shkovaunë .. "You told us not be reached yet you do your duties well as ibënte at the time, Ali Aslani, when he was mayor in the city eVlorës.Kur will also get you to do duties as kryenteai.Vetëm people then came fear, and when we finished the meeting went immediately nështëpi dh was told other family members, not have worry sepseajo job was closed after the Prime Minister had assessed, so much so, that conversation with AliAsllanin, as we also said we work as he worked. "So tëdrejtuarit art, which had Ali Aslani, liked to gjithëve.Pavarësishtë seM.Shehu, Prime Minister of the time, with his friends, saw Ali Asllaninintelektual bourgeois and without clear vision and good for the new order shoqërorqë they loved so much, his art of operating, liked and behold kishinnevojën.Ato years when Ali Aslani was Mayor, Vlorëssi people and all the people Albania had more need to ensure drithërate bread and especially in drought years had madhe.Por President iBashkisë take timely measures and sometimes bring grain from outside dhee wrap around magazina.Pastaj based on claims that had the city but edhenga villages, based on the amount collected, do eshpërndarjes plan with regular graph for any period of time, bërëfurnizimi them so normale.Ja as shown Izet Dauti from fshatiKërkovë: "According to the date that was assigned to us by the City, Port went nëmagazinat, to take grain that was us planifikuarpër village tonë.Por there Italian port guards pulled us shumëpengesa, because they raise the price of smuggling, to take advantage of yourself Etyre, in the wrong way and on our backs. Four-five men from the village ynëshkuam in the municipality, which hosted us immediately Ali Efendi, which informed us përcfarë had ndodhur.Ai was angry because he felt sorry for neve.Me tëshpejt wrote a letter and said there three gendarmes Hall , where their njëriprej was italian.Do go to warehouses in the port and fillonimenjëherë the separation of grains, no policeman from Vlora or foreign, tëbëjnë racket and hinder the implementation of this urdhëri.Kush want let taprovojë, because i cut out këmbët.Bashkë with them will go to you-itha Italian and after an hour I am atje.Me be delivered letters, hapënmenjëherë warehouses for us and some other villages that had grain përfunizim.Ndarja row was done as ordered Ali Efendi, because atëmënyrë had no objections by jonë.Ai came mëpërpara themselves than they told us, but at that time we pamë.Ka an unknown fshehtëndoshta Ali labor time Aslani and concentration his kundërkëtij "cancer". Q. Meminaj has zhbiruar focusing more on luftimiqë requires conscience as amber as was the soul of poetitpushtetar.Kemi reviewed above, the fight to make it to the port of Vlora përkontrabandën done by Italians with the price of cereals importoheshin.PorAli Asllani was incompatible with these phenomena and all dretjtimet, ubënte pamëshirshme.Në war relations that build it with civil eBashkisë, other city institutions, government departments, mepopullin of Vlora and the provinces, he was very fair and honest dhekëtë transparency searched by subordinates tij.Projektin përmerkaton and clock tower of the city, shows Dr. Prof. B.Gaçe, Ali Aslani of bërivet, but funds to cover the cost of their building Municipality nukkish.Ali Aslani, organized a meeting at City Hall and civic invited dheintelektual and wealthy families of the city, some fshatravepërreth .. Project Clock tower and Merkato will not apply, thaai, because they do not have the income to afford worker ndërtimit.Por all members who were at the meeting, responded positively, dhënënga their family budget, significant amounts . Some families fshatraveqë not financial income were given various livestock which ukonvertuan based on the value they had. Bank of Vlora, prorosi AliAsllanit, had prepared a special document, only for the case and qëmbahej in triplicate for each donor, a bank, a municipality and a donor dhuruesi.Emrat rushed in the Book of Honor Hall and listame their names patriotic gesture, were posted in many places visible tëqytetit, with thanks that did Municipality .. At the inauguration of tyrepërpara people Vlora, Ali Aslani, not only thanked they familjepërsëri, who gave their city these beautiful works but also mënyrëanalitike reported and expenses that were made sound for voice, and the whole përobjektin.Këto actions i did the Mayor not only tregontetransparencë for himself, but also to learn how to work subordinates, tutregonte donors and all the people of Vlora how adminsitroheshin and kushpenzoheshin monetary values ​​tyre.Kështu fight corruption dhekontrabandën in administration, Ali Aslani dangerous phenomena ishinnjohur different countries botës.Këtë danger which threatened the country from këtofenomene negative, and they were pleading II, the real world has been mirëparasysh Ali Aslani, when he wrote the poem "Hakërrim" . In this poem, he bënteluftë very tough them dishonest elemenetëve of molepësur, përhirë their enrichment within a short time were willing and bënëcdo thing, to the detriment of the country, the nation shqiptarë.Prandaj he would wrote: "Eat-grab drink, fill the pockets-mbushniarka ... Ashton clear to all, that the chair where she was sitting Ali Aslani and office where he kapunuar once, either as Mayor, Nënprefekt, Mayor, Kryeskretar nëQeverinë I.Qemalit, S.Delvinës showed best how to work mendërgjegje high, these negative phenomena, not raise kokë.Ali Asllani dintedhe saw his own country was less developed than many European countries tëtjera but he never lifted hopes that Albania, a day tëbëhej, as it belonged to her past ndritur.Dhe for worked dheluftoi until vdekje.Ai not depart from Vlora, Albania, except time nëshkollë and working as a diplomat . was faced with all difficulties dolënpërpara, persecution and poverty in the family, with great pain his përfëmijtë, and all survived, only that like shumëVlorën and Shqipërinë.Shprehje more beautiful than in the poem His for Vlorënnuk believe that found:-Gjesdisa Europe, Asia gjesdisa Up to apple ekuqe, went up in China / New Eme white, gave I, /-Hazineragjeja, when I ate the hand, with white clouds I took and gave-Like my Vlora, a city not stroke '... Poet and Patriot eminent ruler ediplomati, Mayor of Vlore and large Albanian-Ali Aslani.
[[mk:Вајза (Албанија)]]