Kosova burim të dhënash statistike zyrtare: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Rreshti 1:
==Komunat e Kosoves==
*Deçan / Decani
*Dragash / Dragas
*Gjakovë / Dakovica
*Gllogovc / Glogovac
*Gjilan / Gnjilane
*Istog / Istok
*Kaçanik / Kacanik
*Kamenicë / Kamenica
*Klinë / Klina
*Fushë Kosovë / Kosovo Polje
*Leposavic / Leposaviq
*Lipjan / Lipljan
*Malishevë / Malisevo
*Mitrovicë / Mitrovica
*Novobërdë / Novo Brdo
*Obiliq / Obilic
*Rahovec / Orahovac
*Pejë / Pec
*Podujevë / Podujevo
*Prishtinë / Pristina
*Skenderaj / Srbica
*Strpce / Shtërpcë
*Shtime / Stimlje
*Suharekë / Suva Reka
*Ferizaj / Urosevac
*Viti / Vitina
*Vushtrri / Vucitrn
*Zubin Potok
*Zvecan / Zveçan
==Lidhje te jashteme==
Per 30 komunat e Kosoves
keto dokumente jane te pranuara nga UNMIKU dhe UN
*[http://www.komunat-ks.net/eng/html/index.php Asociacioni i Komunave te Kosoves]
Nga adresa e lartëpërmendur mund të barrtni fletoret e formatit .PDF të cilat kanë të dhëna statestikore po thuaj se për të gjitha komunat. Përdorimi i tyre kryesish bëhet për komunikim me botën e jashëme në gjuhët tjera.
[http://www.unmikonline.org/ United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK)]
[http://www.osce.org/kosovo/ OSCE Mission in Kosovo]
[http://www.bpk-kos.org Banking and Payments Authority of Kosovo]
[http://www.unmikrailways.com UNMIK Railways]
[http://www.kta-kosovo.org Kosovo Trust Agency]
[http://www.airportpristina.com Pristina Airport]
*Organizata dhe institucione te BE-se
[http://www.coe.int/ Council of Europe]
[http://www.ear.eu.int/ European Agency for Reconstruction]
[http://www.ue.eu.int/pesc/ecmm European Union Monitoring Mission]
[http://www.stabilitypact.org/ Stability Pact]
[http://www.pm-ksgov.net Prime Minister Office]
[http://www.assembly-kosova.org Assembly of Kosovo]
[http://www.mashtgov.net Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo]
[http://www.mtpt.org Ministry of Transport and Communication of Kosovo]
[http://www.mafrd-ks.org Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development of Kosovo]
[http://www.mmph.org Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning]
*Organizata internacionale
[http://www.imf.org/ IMF]
[http://www.icrc.org/ International Committee of the Red Cross]
[http://www.iom.org/ International Organisation for Migration]
[http://www.nato.int/kfor/welcome.html KFOR]
[http://www.nato.int/ NATO]
[http://www.unhcr.org/ UNHCR]
[http://www.worldbank.org/ Worldbank]
[http://www.kek-energy.com/ KEK, Kosovo Electric company]
[http://www.ptkonline.com/ PTK, Post and Telecommunications of Kosovo]
*Organizatat e biznisit dhe te ngjajshme
[http://www.kosovo-eicc.org/ Euro Info Center]
[http://www.kosovo-eicc.org/oek/ Kosovo Chamber of Commerce]
[http://www.usaidkbs.com/ Kosovo Business Support]
[http://www.kpst.org/ Kosovo Pension Savings Trust]
[http://www.sok-kosovo.org Statistical Office of Kosovo]
*Qendra informimi nderkombetare
[http://www.ceps.be Center for European Policy Studies (CEPS) - South East Europe Information Center]
[http://www.iews.cz/frytf/index2.php EastWest Institute]
[http://www.esiweb.org/ European Stability Initiative]
[http://www.crisisweb.org International Crisis Group]
[http://www.iwpr.net/index.pl?home_index.html IWPR - Institute for War and Peace Reporting]