Vojsava Kastrioti: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Punimet e para qe ofrojnë informacion për origjinën e Vojsavës janë:
*[[Marin Barleti]] (1450-1513),historiani Shqiptaro-Venecian,i cili shkroi në biografine e [[Skënderbeu|Gjergj Kastriotit]] (publikuar në mes 1508-1510), që ajo ishte "e bija e një fisniku nga Triballi".<ref name=BarletiuslIfo2>Barletius, l. I, fo 2: «uxori Voisavae nomen erat non indignam eo viro tum pater nobilissimus Triballorum princeps, tum forma...»</ref><ref>Gegaj 1937, [http://books.google.com/books?id=usxBAAAAYAAJ&q=%22uxori+Voisavae+nomen+erat%22&dq=%22uxori+Voisavae+nomen+erat%22&hl=en p. 40]</ref> In another chapter, when talking about the inhabitants of Upper [[Debar]] that defended Svetigrad, he calls them "Bulgarians or Triballi".<ref>Barletius, l. V, fo. 62: "Superior Dibra montuosa est et aspera, ferax tarnen et Macedoniam tum ipsa loci vicinitate, tum similitudine morum contingens. Bulgari sive Tribali habitant"</ref> However, the term "Triballians" (Triballoi) appears frequently in Byzantine and other European works of the Middle Ages, referring exclusively to [[Serbs]].<ref>[http://books.google.com/?id=jFPQAAAAMAAJ&q=triballians The Journal of Hellenic studies] Page 48: "Byzantine historians [...] calling [...] Serbs ''Triballians''"</ref><ref>Stuck 1577, [http://books.google.gr/books?id=vRZKISETNi0C&pg=PR79&lpg=PR79 p. 51]</ref><ref>Foxe 1837, p. 27</ref>
*[[Gjon Muzaka]] (fl. 1510),nje fisnik shqiptar nga [[Muzaka family]], alleged in his ''Muzaka Chronicle'' (published in 1510) that the "Marquis of Tripalda" was maternally related to the Muzaka.<ref>Musachi, [http://books.google.com/books?id=xTvPAAAAMAAJ&q=%22e+venne+da+bona+parte%22&dq=%22e+venne+da+bona+parte%22&hl=en p. 301]: "Accio sappiate, in che modo c'era parente il Signor marchese della Tripalda, ve dico, che l'e per parte de donna... (Know that the Marquis of Tripalda is related to us by a female line);</ref> Furthermore, in another chapter, he assigns the "Triballi" to the Serbs.<ref>Muzachi, p. 313: "...Tribali overo Misii ch' hoggi se nominato Serviani."</ref>
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*[[Johann Georg von Hahn]] (1811-1869), nje njohes dhe studies gjerman i kulture shqipater qe ishte ne sherbim edhe te akademise austriak ete shkencave, had several thesis on the geneaology of Voisava in ''Albanesische Studien'' (1854), including a possible relation with the Branai family or [[Vrana Konti]].<ref>Hahn, [http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x387/byzas45/HahnBranai.jpg?t=1308124467 p. 309], elaborating on possible relation of Voisava with the Branai family or [[Vrana Konti]].</ref>
*[[Karl Hopf]] (1832-1873), German historian and expert in Byzantine studies, in ''Chroniques Greco-romanes'' (1873) concludes that Voisava was daughter of a Serbian lord from Polog.<ref>[http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x387/byzas45/FamilleCastriota.jpg K. Hopf, Castrioti family tree, p. 533]: "''fille du seigneur (Serbe) de Polog''”</ref>
*[[Fan S. Noli]] (1882–1965), an Albanian-American writer, in his biography of Skanderbeg (1947), adopted the view that Vojsava came from the Muzaka family.<ref>Noli 1947, p. 189, note 33.</ref><ref>Babinger 1992, [http://books.google.com/books?id=PPxC6rO7vvsC&pg=PA53 p. 53]</ref> [[Harry Hodgkinson (writer)|Harry Hodgkinson]], too, considers her a member of the Muzaka family.,<ref>Hodgkinson, p. 240</ref> although his work does not provide information from any modern original research.<ref>Schmitt 2009, p. 8: "Gelandekundige, wie etwa ein britischer Geheimdienstoffizier des Zweiten Weltkriegs (H.Hodgkinson), wiederum, hatten keine Archivarbeit betrieben"</ref>
*[[Strashimir Dimitrov]] (1892-1960), [[Bulgarian Academy of Sciences|Bulgarian Academician]], says that Vojsava was a daughter of a local Bulgarian [[boyar]] from Macedonia.<ref>Димитров, Страшимир: Георги Кастриоти-Скендербег и неговата освободителна борба, В: Г. Кастриоти Скендербег 1468-1968 г. София, сп. “Балкани”, БАН, No2, 1970, стр. 11.</ref>
*Boban Petrovski (b. 1972), a modern Macedonian historian, the author of ''Voisava Tribalda'' (2006), the only work about Voisava and her possible geneaologies, concludes that Voisava was of Slavic origin, most likely Serb, the daughter of a lord of the "Triballians" in Polog, that ruled before the Ottoman conquest.<ref>Petrovski, pp. 2, 3, 10</ref> He has several thesis on the ultimate identity of Voisava's father; "If the [[Branković|Branković family]] indeed governed Polog in the last decade of the 14th century, it arises the chance that Voisava was a daughter of [[Grgur Golubić|Kesar Grgur/Grgur Branković]] or even [[Vuk Branković]]."<ref>Petrovski, "Доколку ја прифатиме оваа варијанта, според која Бранковиките биле господари на/во Полог до почетког на последната деценија од XIV век, во тој случај произлегува дека Воисава била керка на Гргур или пак, можеби на Вук Бранковик."</ref>
*[[Oliver Schmitt]] (b. 1973), professor of South-East European history at [[Vienna University]], in his biography ''Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan'' (2009) supports that she was Serbian, from the Branković, close relative to [[Mara Branković]].<ref>Schmitt (2009), pp. 44, 45.; [http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/buecher/Schweizer-Historiker-beleidigt-Albaner/story/19392466 "Skanderbegs Mutter Vojsava war eine Serbin aus der einflussreichen Familie Brankovic."]</ref>
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[[Kategoria:fisnikëriFisnikëri shqiptare]]