Kategoria:Anëtarë të grupit të projektit Wikipedia Weekend 2016: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Kjo kategori i përket wiki weekend
==Shkolla TIK Hermann Gmeiner==
Tiranës i është shtuar edhe një shkollë e mesme profesionale, e cila iu ofrohet të rinjve shqiptarë të pasionuar pas Teknologjisë së Informacionit dhe Komunikimit, si një mundësi më shumë për t’u arsimuar në këtë fushë.
Shkolla e mesme profesionale “Hermann Gmeiner”, është një bashkëpunim i qeverisë shqiptare dhe asaj austriake, përmes mbështetjes së “Kultur Kontakt Austria”.
Shkolla do funksionojë nën drejtimin e përbashkët edhe të stafit të posaçëm austriak, ndërsa certifikata me të cilën nxënësit do të pajisen nga shkolla “Hermann Gmeiner” do të njihet si në Austri, ashtu edhe në vendet e Bashkimit Evropian.
Kryeministri Edi Rama, i shoqëruar nga Ministri i Mirëqenies Sociale Erion Veliaj ishte i pranishëm në inaugurimin e kësaj shkolle, ku pa nga afër mjediset e brendshme, si dhe u takua me nxënës dhe ekipin drejtues. “U thashë vajzave e djemve që takuam më parë nëpër klasa, që në fund të viteve të kësaj shkolle ata do të shohin se shokët e shoqet e tyre që shkuan në gjimnaz do të jenë duke kërkuar punë, ndërkohë që për ata do të jenë duke i kërkuar për t’i marrë në punë.
Është një ndryshim goxha i rëndësishëm” – u shpreh kryeministri Rama gjatë fjalës së tij në inaugurimin e shkollës së mesme profesionale “Hermann Gmeiner”.
Kjo shkollë është e pajisur më një infrastrukturë moderne, ndërsa programet e shkollës do të jenë të bazuar në modelin austriak.
Duke theksuar se e ardhmja është drejt arsimit profesional, Ministri i Mirëqenies Sociale dhe Rinisë, Erion Veliaj vuri në dukje se statistikat më të fundit dhe tregu i punës e dëshmojnë më së miri këtë gjë.
“Nxënësit që takuam me kryeministrin nëpër klasa janë me mesatare mbi 8.5. Dua t’i falënderoj për përpjekjen e tyre, por gjithashtu të kontribuojnë edhe me një kulturë, kur në fund të ditës, patjetër që shteti duhet t’i ndihmojë të gjithë, por duhet të ketë patjetër edhe një sens gare, një sens të atyre që dalin të parët dhe më vjen mirë që kjo shkollë është epitoma e kësaj sfide”, u shpreh Veliaj.
===Kush eshte Hermann Gmeiner===
Hermann Gmeiner (23 June 1919 – 26 April 1986) was an Austrian philanthropist and the founder of SOS Children's Villages.
Born to a big family of farmers in Vorarlberg (present-day Austria), Gmeiner was a talented child and won a scholarship to attend grammar school. His mother died while he was still a young boy, and his eldest sister Elsa took on the task of caring for the smallest of the children.
Having experienced the horrors of war himself as a soldier in Russia, he was then confronted with the isolation and suffering of the many war orphans and homeless children as a child welfare worker after the end of the Second World War. In his conviction that help can never be effective as long as the children have to grow up without a home of their own, he set about implementing his idea for SOS Children's Villages.
With just 600 Austrian schillings (approx. 40 US dollars) in his pocket Hermann Gmeiner established the SOS Children's Village Association in 1949, and in the same year the foundation stone was laid for the first SOS Children's Village in Imst, in the Austrian state of Tyrol. His work with the children and development of the SOS Children's Village organization kept Hermann Gmeiner so busy that he finally decided to discontinue his medical degree course.
In the following decades his life was inseparably linked with his commitment to a family-centred child-care concept based on the four pillars of a mother, a house, brothers and sisters, and a village. Given his exclusive focus on the need to help abandoned children, the rest of his biography reads like the history of SOS Children's Villages themselves. He served as Village Director in Imst, organized the construction of further SOS Children's Villages in Austria, and helped to set up SOS Children's Villages in many other countries of Europe.
In 1960 SOS-Kinderdorf International was established in Strasbourg as the umbrella organization for SOS Children's Villages with Hermann Gmeiner as the first president. In the following years the activities of SOS Children's Villages spread beyond Europe. The sensational "grain of rice" campaign raised enough funds to permit the first non-European SOS Children's Village to be built in Daegu, Korea in 1963, and SOS Children's Villages on the American and African continents followed.
By 1985 the result of Hermann Gmeiner's work was a total of 233 SOS Children's Villages in 85 countries. In recognition of his services to orphaned and abandoned children he received numerous awards and was nominated several times for the Nobel Peace Prize. However, he was always at pains to stress that it was only thanks to the support of millions of people that it had been possible to achieve the goal of providing abandoned children with a permanent home, and that still applies today.
Hermann Gmeiner died in Innsbruck in 1986. He is buried at SOS Children's Village Imst.
SOS Children's Villages is currently active in 132 countries and territories. 438 SOS Children's Villages and 346 SOS Youth Facilities provide more than 60,000 children and youths in need with a new home. More than 131,000 children/youths attend SOS Kindergartens, SOS Hermann Gmeiner Schools and SOS Vocational Training Centres. Around 397,000 people benefit from the services provided by SOS Medical Centres, 115,000 people from services provided by SOS Social Centres. SOS Children's Villages also helps in situations of crisis and disaster through emergency relief programmes. The emergency clinic in Mogadishu (provides app. 260,000 check-ups and treatments a year) is one example of a huge long-term relief project.