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përmirësime teknike duke përdorur AWB
Rreshti 2:
'''Arkitektura''' (nga [[Greqishtja e lashtë|greq.]] ''αρχή'' = ''e para'', ''krye'', dhe ''τέχνη'' = ''zejtari'', ''artizanat'', ndërtimtari = kryendërtimtaria) është [[arti]] dhe [[shkenca]] e [[projektimi]]t të [[ndërtesa]]ve dhe [[struktura]]ve. Një përkufizim më i gjërë do të përfshinte në qëllimet e saj projektimin e çdo gjëjë të ndërtuar duke filluar në [[Makroniveli|makronivel]] me [[planifikimi]]n e qyteteve dhe projektimin [[Urbanistika|urbanistik]] (qytetës) deri tek [[mikroniveli]] i [[Mobilja|mobiljeve]] (orendive). Zakonisht projektimi arkitekturor lidhet me ndërtimin dhe çmimin e ndërtesës, si edhe me funksionalitetin dhe [[Estetika|estetikën]] e përdoruesit.
Arkitektura shpesh merret me përpunimin e [[Hapësira|hapësirës]], [[vëllimi]]t, formës, [[Drita|dritës]], [[Hija|hijes]], dhe elemnteve abstrakte për të arritur një përfundim estetik. Kjo gjë e dallon arkitekturën prej [[Shkencat e zbatuara|shkencave të zbatuara]] dhe [[Inxhinieria|inxhinierisë]], të cilat përqëndrohen më shumë në aspektet e funksionalitetit dhe realizimit të projektit, sesa në estetikën e tij.
[[Skeda:Acropolis.jpg|parapamje|250px|[[Partenoni]] në majë të [[Akropolis|Akropolit]], [[Athina|Athinë]], [[Greqia|Greqi]].]]
Rreshti 10:
Sipas punëve më të lashta për subjektin e arkitekturës, të [[Vitruviusi]]t në ''De Architectura'', një ndërtesë e mirë duhet të tregojë "Bukuri" (Venustas), "Fortësi" (Firmitas) dhe "Funksionalitet" (Utilitas); arkitektura mund të themi është një barazpeshë dhe bashkërenditje e këtyre tre elementeve, dhe asnjëri nga të tre nuk duhet të jetë më i fuqishëm se dy të tjerët. Përkufizimi i kohëve moderne e sheh arkitekturën si një ndërthurje të estetikës, strukturës dhe funksionit. Sidoqoftë nga një pikëpamje tjetër, vetë funksioni përmbledh të tre kriteret duke përfshirë ato estetike dhe psikologjike.
Arkitektura është ë lidhur me shumë disiplina duke përfshirë [[Matematika|matematikën]], [[Shkenca|shkencën]], [[Arti|artinarti]]n, [[Teknologjia|teknologjinë]], [[Shkencat shoqërore]], [[Politika|politikën]], [[Historia|historinë]], [[Filozofia|filozofinë]] e të tjera. Me fjalët e In Vitruvius' - it, "Arkitektura është një shkencë që lind nga shumë shkenca dhe përmirsohet me anë të edukimit: me ndihmën e të cilit një gjykim formohet mbi punën e arteve të tjera". Ai shton se një arkitekt i mirë duhet të ketë dijeni të mjaftueshme edhe në fusha si [[muzika]], [[astronomia]], etj. [[Filozofia]] është një fushë mjaft e parapëlqyer dhe e rëndësishme në përkufizimin e arkitekturës, bile zakonisht kur dikush i referohet një arkitekti e dallon atë nga lloji i filozofisë që ai vë në jetë. [[Racionalizmi]], [[empiricizmi]], [[strukturalizmi]], [[poststrukturalizmi]], dhe [[fenomenologjia]] janë disa nga degët e filozofisë që ndikojnë tek ariktektura.[[Skeda:Colosseum-2003-07-09.jpg|parapamje|left|250px|[[Koloseu]] në [[Roma|Romë]], [[Italia|Itali]]]]
== Teoria dhe Praktika ==
Rreshti 60:
Early human settlements were essentially [[rural]]. As surplus of production began to occur, rural societies transformed into [[urban]] ones and cities began to evolve. In many ancient civilisations such as the Egyptians' and Mesopotamians' architecture and urbanism reflected the constant engagement with the divine and the [[supernatural]]. However, the architecture and urbanism of the Classical civilisations such as the [[Greek]] and the [[Roman]] evolved from more civic ideas and many new building types emerged. Architectural styles developed and texts on architecture began to be written. These became canons to be followed in important works, especially religious architecture. Some examples of canons are the works of Vitruvius, the Kaogongji of ancient [[China]] and [[Vaastu Shastra]] in ancient [[India]]. In [[Europe]] in the [[Classical antiquity|Classical]] and [[Medieval]] periods, buildings were not attributed to specific individual architects who remained anonymous. [[Guild]]s were formed by craftsmen to organise their trade. Over time the complexity of buildings and their types increased. General civil construction such as roads and bridges began to be built. Many new building types such as schools, hospitals, and recreational facilities emerged.
[[Islamic architecture]] all by itself merits a special discussion. The concept of Islamic architecture can be understood in several ways. But perhaps a concise way of defining it would be to say that Islamic architecture is simply the architecture characteristic of predominantly Islamic societies as well as similar architecture elsewhere.
Using this definition, [[Islamic architecture]] has a long and complex history beginning in the 7th century CE continuing today. Examples can be found throughout the countries that are, or were, Islamic - from Morocco and Spain to [[Iranian architecture|Iran]], and Indonesia. Other examples can be found in areas where Muslims are a minority. Islamic architecture includes mosques, madrasas, caravansarais, palaces, and mausolea of this large region.
With the [[Renaissance]] and its emphasis on the individual and humanity rather than religion, and with all its attendant progress and achievements, a new chapter began. Buildings were ascribed to specific architects - [[Michaelangelo]], [[Brunelleschi]], [[Leonardo da Vinci]] - and the cult of the individual had begun. But there was no dividing line between [[artist]], [[architect]] and [[engineer]], or any of the related vocations. At this stage, it was still possible for an artist to design a bridge as the level of structural calculations involved were within the scope of the generalist.
Rreshti 68:
With the consolidation of knowledge in scientific fields such as [[engineering]] and the rise of new materials and technology, the architect began to lose ground on the technical aspects of building. He therefore cornered for himself another playing field - that of [[aesthetics]]. There was the rise of the "gentleman architect" who usually dealt with wealthy clients and concentrated predominantly on visual qualities derived usually from historical prototypes. In the 19th century [[Ecole des Beaux Arts]] in [[France]], the training was toward producing quick sketch schemes involving beautiful drawings without much emphasis on context.
Meanwhile, the [[Industrial Revolution]] laid open the door for mass consumption and aesthetics started becoming a criterion even for the middle class as ornamented products, once within the province of expensive craftmanship, became cheaper under machine production. Such products lacked the beauty and honesty associated with the expression of the process in the product.
[[Image:taj_mahal.jpg|thumbnail|left|[[Taj Mahal]], [[Agra]], [[India]]]]
The dissatisfaction with such a general situation at the turn of the twentieth century gave rise to many new lines of thought that in architecture served as precursors to [[Modern Architecture]]. Notable among these is the [[Deutscher Werkbund]], formed in 1907 to produce better quality machine made objects. The rise of the profession of [[industrial design]] is usually placed here. Following this lead, the [[Bauhaus]] school, founded in [[Germany]] in 1919, consciously rejected [[history]] and looked at architecture as a synthesis of art, craft, and technology.
When Modern architecture first began to be practiced, it was an [[avant-garde]] movement with moral, philosophical, and aesthetic underpinnings. Truth was sought by rejecting history and turning to function as the generator of form. Architects became prominent figures and were termed masters. Later modern architecture moved into the realm of mass production due to its simplicity and economy.
Rreshti 135:
*[http://www.greatbuildings.com/ The Great Buildings Collection]
*[http://www.vitruvio.ch/ Vitruvio]
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