Rudolf Steiner: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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'''Veprat nga fusha e filozofisë''' - Rudolf Steiner është autor i një vargu të veprave filozofiko - antroposofike si “Theory of Knowledge Implicit in Goethe's World-Conception” (1886), “Friedrich Nietzsche, Fighter for Freedom” (1895), “Goethe's Conception of the World” (1897), “Mysticism at the Dawn of Modern Age” (1901/1925), “Christianity as Mystical Fact” (1902), “Theosophy: An Introduction to the Spiritual Processes in Human Life and in the Cosmos” (1904), “How to Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation” (1904–5, “Cosmic Memory: Prehistory of Earth and Man” (1904) (The Submerged Continents of Atlantis and Lemuria), “An Outline of Esoteric Science” (1910), “Four Mystery Dramas” (1913), “The Renewal of the Social Organism” (1919), “Fundamentals of Therapy: An Extension of the Art of Healing Through Spiritual Knowledge” (1925), “Rudolf Steiner: An Autobiography” (The Story of my Life) (1977). Mbi të gjitha kryevepra e tij mbetet “Filozofia e Lirisë” - 1894, (Eng: Philosophy of Freedom, Ger: Die Philosophie der Freiheit).
'''Veprat nga fusha e arsimit, edukatës dhe pedagogjisë''' - Pikëpamjet e tij pedagogjike, Rudolf Steineri i paraqiti në një varg veprash, siq janë: “The Child's Changing Consciousness: As the Basis of Pedagogical Practice,” ISBN 0-88010-410-4, “Discussions with Teachers,” ISBN 0-88010-408-2, “Education As a Force for Social Change,” ISBN 0-88010-411-2, “Education for Adolescents,” ISBN 0-88010-405-8, “The Education of the Child,” (1907) ISBN 0-85440-620-4, “The Education of the Child in the Light of Anthroposophy,” 1975, ISBN 0-88010-133-4., “Faculty Meetings with Rudolf Steiner: 1919–1924,” ISBN 0-88010-458-9, “The Foundations of Human Experience,” 1919 ISBN 0-88010-392-2,”The Genius of Language: Observations for Teachers, ISBN 0-88010-386-8, “A Modern Art of Education,” ISBN 0-88010-511-9, “Practical Advice to Teachers,” 1919 ISBN 0-88010-467-8 ,”The renewal of education through the science of the spirit,” Basel, 1920, ISBN 0-88010-455-4, “Rudolf Steiner in the Waldorf School: Lectures and Addresses to Children, Parents, and Teachers,” 1919–1924, ISBN 0-88010-433-3, “Soul Economy: Body, Soul, and Spirit in Waldorf Education,” ISBN 0-88010-517-8, “The Spiritual Ground of Education,” ISBN 0-88010-513-5, “The Spirit of the Waldorf School,” ISBN 0-88010-394-9, “Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy 1,” ISBN 0-88010-387-6, “Waldorf Education and Anthroposophy 2,” ISBN 0-88010-388-4, “What Is Waldorf Education?” ISBN 0-88010-527-5 <ref> [[:en:List of Rudolf Steiner`'s works on education|List of Rudolf Steiner works on education]]</ref>
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