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Etiketa: përpunim burimi 2017
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[[Skeda:Scandinavia location map definitions.PNG|thumb|right|250px|Kuq: tri monarkitë që përbëjnë Skanndinavinë sipas teorive më të përkrahura; Portokalli: zgjerimi i mundshëm i përdorimit; Verdhë: zgjerimi maksimal që e bën Skandinavinë sinonim për ''Vendet Nordike''.]]
'''Skandinavia''' ([[anglishtja|ang.]]: ''Sandinavia'', [[shqiptimi|lexo]]: ''Skendinejvia'') është një [[subregjion|regjion]] historik dhe gjeografik në qendër të [[Gadishulli Skandinav|Gadishullit Skandinav]] në [[Evropa veriore|Evropën Veriore]], zakonisht konsiderohet e përbërë nga këto vende: [[Norvegjia]], [[Suedia]] dhe [[Danimarka]],<ref>[{{Cite web |url=http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572025/Scandinavia.html |title=Scandinavia (ancient Scandia), name applied collectively to three countries of northern Europe—Norway and Sweden (which together form the Scandinavian Peninsula), and Denmark. ] |accessdate=5 shtator 2008 |archiveurl=https://web.archive.org/web/20091028073547/http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761572025/Scandinavia.html |archivedate=28 tetor 2009 |url-status=dead }}</ref> por disa burime përfshijnë edhe [[Finlandë]]n dhe [[Islanda]].<ref>[http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9066021 Scandinavia, historically Scandia, part of northern Europe, generally held to consist of the two countries of the Scandinavian Peninsula, Norway and Sweden, with the addition of Denmark. Some authorities argue for the inclusion of Finland ... and of Iceland and the Faroe Islands ....]</ref><ref>{{cite encyclopedia|url=http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/scandinavia|title=Scandinavia|date=2008|encyclopedia=The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary|accessdate=2008-01-09|quote=Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway, Sweden — sometimes also considered to include Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, & Finland.}}</ref> Pavarësisht se si përdoret termi "Skandinavia" jshtë regjionit, termi ''[[Vendet Nordike]]'' dhe ''Regjioni nordik'' përdoren zyrtarisht për të identifikuar [[Norvegjia|Norvegjinë]], [[Finlandë]]n, [[Suedia|Suedinë]], [[Islandë]]n, [[Danimarkë]]n, territoret Daneze si [[Ishujt Faroe]] dhe [[Grenlandë]]n, dhe territorin Finlandez [[Åland]] si vende të ngjajshme politikisht dhe në aspektin kulturor.<ref name="Nordic Council">{{cite web|url=http://www.norden.org/web/1-1-fakta/uk/index.asp?lang=6#|title=Facts about the Nordic Region and Nordic Co-operation|publisher=Nordic Council of Ministers & Nordic Council|date=2007-10-01|accessdate=2008-01-09|first=Elvind|last=Saetre|quote=The Nordic countries consist of Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Finland, Åland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.}}</ref><!--Don't need:<ref>United States Government (2005). [http://ori.dhhs.gov/international/cases/nordic.shtml "Nordic Countries Report on Misconduct Activity in the 90's"]. The Office of Research Integrity, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Volume 7, No. 4, September 1999. Retrieved 9 January 2008.</ref>--><ref>{{cite encyclopedia|url=http://www.bartleby.com/59/15/scandinavia.html|title=Scandinavia|encyclopedia=The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy|edition=Third|date=2002|first=E.D. Jr.|last=Hirsch|coauthors=Joseph F. Kett; James Trefil, Editors|accessdate=2007-01-31|quote=The region in northern Europe containing Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and the peninsulas they occupy. Through cultural, historical, and political associations, Finland and Iceland are often considered part of Scandinavia.}}</ref><ref>"Scandinavia" (2005). ''The New Oxford American Dictionary'', Second Edition. Ed. Erin McKean. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-517077-6: "a cultural region consisting of the countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and sometimes also of Iceland, Finland, and the Faroe Islands".</ref><ref>[http://www.bartleby.com/65/sc/Scandinv.html Scandinavia] (2001). ''The Columbia Encyclopedia'', Sixth Edition. Retrieved January 31, 2007: "Scandinavia, region of N Europe. It consists of the kingdoms of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark; Finland and Iceland are usually considered part of Scandinavia."</ref>
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