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Tradicionalisht gratë shqiptare janë përfshirë në përgatitjen e një lakrori.<ref name="Sugarman368"/>
Përgatitja e lakrorit është një proces që përfshin tehollimi i brumit në petë të holla, më vonë hapja e petës dhe vendosjen e tyre në një tepsi.<ref name="FedWri157"/><ref name="ErolGjata127">{{cite book|last1=Erol|first1=Ali E.|last2=Gjata|first2=Joris|chapter="Doğmamış Çocuğa Don Biçmek": Visions of a Multicultural Family|editor1-last=González|editor1-first=Alberto|editor2-last=Harris|editor2-first=Tina M.|title=Mediating cultures: Parenting in intercultural contexts|year=2013|publisher=Rowman & Littlefield|isbn=9780739179543|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=tHJA-wB7Dh4C&q=lakror|pages=127|ref=harv|language=en}}</ref><ref name="Sugarman368">{{cite book|last=Sugarman|first=Jane|title=Engendering song: Singing and subjectivity at Prespa Albanian weddings|year=1997|publisher=University of Chicago Press|isbn=9780226779720|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=d0vZkH0m-bMC&q=lakror&pg=PA11|pages=368|ref=harv|language=en}}</ref> Gjella përgatitet veçmas duke zier perime të grira.<ref name="FedWri157"/> Krahas kësaj mund të bëhen njëprej larmidisa mbushjesh edhegjellra nga perime të ndryshme si lakra, hithra, spinaqi, labota, kungull ose ato me aromë të fortë si qepa dhe preshi.<ref name="FedWri157"/><ref name="LeviEmbe30"/><ref name="Thomaj648">{{cite book|last=Thomaj|first=Jan|title=Fjalor i shqipes së sotme: me rreth 34.000 fjalë|year=2002|publisher=Botimet Toena|isbn=9789992716076|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=2j4_AQAAIAAJ&q=lakror|pages=648|ref=harv|language=en}}</ref>
Gjellët të tjera të cilat mund të bëhen nga mishi, si viçi, qengji ose përfshijnë kombinimin e përbërësve si kungull dhe domate ose qepë, domate dhe piper, spinaq me djathë ose me vezë, qumësht dhe vaj (ulliri).<ref name="Gale18"/><ref name="Ahmeti197">{{cite thesis|last=Ahmeti|first=Sharon|date=2017|title=Albanian Muslims in Secular, Multicultural Australia|type=Ph.D.|publisher=University of Aberdeen|url=https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.723248|access-date=1 December 2020|pages=197|ref=harv|language=en}}</ref><ref name="LeviEmbe30">{{cite book|last1=Levinson|first1=David|last2=Ember|first2=Melvin|title=American Immigrant Cultures: Builders of a Nation, Volume 1|year=1997|publisher=Simon & Schuster|isbn=9780028972084|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=cYgYAAAAIAAJ&q=lakror|pages=30|ref=harv|language=en}} "These traditional foods include barbecued roast lamb; spinach; leek or squash - filled pies (lakror)"</ref> Pjesë të konsiderueshme të gjellës i shtohen pastiçerisë.<ref name="FedWri157">{{Cite book|last=Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration of Massachusetts|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=4xaI4JxKORIC&q=pungent+|title=The Albanian Struggle in the Old World and New|publisher=AMS Press|year=1975|isbn=9780404579258|pages=157|ref=harv|language=en}} "Lakror, one of the commonest Albanian dishes, resembles an American pie. To make it, the cook rolls dough or paste to a thin layer, places it in a well - greased tin, and generously anoints it with gjelle, or filling. Gjelle usually consists of some succulent vegetables, boiled and then finely minced. Since the word lakror is derived from the Albanian term for cabbage, that vegetable was perhaps the basis of the original concoction; but other vegetables are frequently used. Those of pungent and penetrating flavor, such as leeks, onions, squash and spinach are prime favorites."</ref>