Perandoria Austriake: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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[[File:Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg|thumb|Flamuri i Monarkisë Habsburge]]
[[Skeda:Austrian_Empire_(1812).svg|parapamje| Perandoria Austriake në vitin 1812]]
'''Perandoria Austriake''' ( {{Lang-de|Kaiserthum Oesterreich}} , drejtshkrim modern ''{{Lang|de|Kaisertum Österreich}}'' ) ishte një [[Fuqitë e mëdha|fuqi e madhe]] shumëkombëshe e Evropës [[Evropa Qendrore|Qendrore]] - [[Evropa lindore|Lindore]] nga viti 1804 deri në vitin 1867, e krijuar me shpalljen e [[Monarkia Hapsburge|Monarkisë së Habsburgëve]]. <ref>{{Citation|last=Laszlo|first=Péter|title=Hungary's Long Nineteenth Century: Constitutional and Democratic Traditions |publisher= Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, the Netherlands |year=2011|page=6 |quote=From the perspective of the Court since 1723, regnum Hungariae had been a hereditary province of the dynasty's three main branches on both lines. From the perspective of the ország, Hungary was regnum independens, a separate Land as Article X of 1790 stipulated …….. In 1804 Emperor Franz assumed the title of Emperor of Austria for all the Erblande of the dynasty and for the other Lands, including Hungary. Thus Hungary formally became part of the Empire of Austria. The Court reassured the diet, however, that the assumption of the monarch's new title did not in any sense affect the laws and the constitution of Hungary}}</ref> <ref>"Vor dem Jahr 1848 is[t] das Kaisertum Österreich verfassungsrechtlich als ein monarchischer Einheitsstaat auf differenziert föderalistischer Grundlage zu sehen, wobei die besondere Stel[l]ung Ungarns im Rahmen dieses Gesamtstaates stets offenkundig war. Eine weitere Differenzierung der föderalistischen Grundlage erfolgte ab 1815 durch die Zugehörigkeit eines teiles des Kaisertums zum Deutschen Bund." "Before 1848 the Austrian Empire can be regarded in constitutional law as a unitary monarchy on a differentiated federalistic basis, whereby the special position of Hungary within the framework of this federal entity was always evident. A further differentiation of the federalistic position followed from 1815 through the affiliation of a part of the empire to the German federation."{{Citation|last=Zeilner|first=Franz|title=Verfassung, Verfassungsrecht und Lehre des Öffentlichen Rechts in Österreich bis 1848: Eine Darstellung der materiellen und formellen Verfassungssituation und der Lehre des öffentlichen Rechts |publisher= Lang, Frankfurt am Main|year=2008|page=45}}</ref> <ref>József Zachar, [ Austerlitz, 1805. december 2. A három császár csatája – magyar szemmel], {{deadWebarchive|url= link|date=July22 2017dhjetor |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes2019 }} In: Eszmék, forradalmak, háborúk. Vadász Sándor 80 éves, ELTE, Budapest, 2010 p. 557</ref>
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