Historia e Shqipërisë: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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Rreshti 93:
===Bishop Noli and King Zog===
Ne fillim te viteve 20-te shoqeria shqiptare ishte e ndare midis dy grupime thellesisht opoziatare. E para, perbehesh prej klases se bejlereve dhe agallareve, pronare te medhenj tokash, qe mbas [[Shpalljes se Pavaresise]], u ishin veshur veprimtarise politike, dhe qe ne njefare menyre perfaqesonin forcat e vjetra tradicionale shqiptare. Ne balle te tyre shquhesh sidomos Ahmet Zogu, nje feudal i vogel fisnor nga rrethi i Matit. Grupi i dyte perbehesh prej intelektualeve, tregtareve progresiste, dhe politikaneve me prirje demokratike te cilet synonin modernizimin e Shqiperise sipas standarteve te Evropes Perendimore dhe Amerikane. Ky grupim udhehiqesh prej [[Fan Stilian Nolit]], nje peshkop [[ortodoks]] i edukuar ne [[Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikes]]. Keto forca politike, krejtesisht te kunderta ne program dhe perberje, perfaqesonin ne shkalle te vogel natyren thellesisht kontradiktuese te politikes shqiptare ne fund te [[Luftes se Pare Boterore]]
At the start of the 1920s, Albanian society was divided by two apparently irreconcilable forces. One, made up mainly of deeply conservative landowning beys and tribal bajraktars who were tied to the Ottoman and feudal past, was led by Ahmed Bey Zogu, a chieftain from the Mat region of north-central Albania. The other, made up of liberal intellectuals, democratic politicians, and progressive merchants who looked to the West and wanted to modernize and Westernize Albania, was led by Fan S. Noli, an American-educated bishop of the Orthodox church. In the event, this East-West polarization of Albanian society was of such magnitude and complexity that neither leader could master and overcome it.
Ne periudhen midis vitit 1920 dhe 1924 forcat liberale u fuqizuan se tepermi dhe ne 1924 ne kryengritje popullore e detyroi A. Zogun te largohej nga Shqiperia per ne Jugosllavi. Ne poziten e kryeministrit te qeverise se re shqipatare, Noli i'u pervesh nje programi social qe synonte nje reforme te plote agrare dhe modernizimin e infastruktures administrative te vendit sipas shembullit te demokracive perendimore. Sidoqofte, ky program hasi ne kundershtimin e klases se bejlereve te medhenj te cilet nuk donin te humbisnin poziten e tyre te larte ne drejtimin e shtetit. Qeveria e Nolit, gjithashtu, nuk arriti dot te sensibilizonte opinionin nderkombtar ne ndihme te Shqiperise. Qeveria e vetme qe e njohu Shqiperine ne arenen nderkombtare ishte vetem regjimi i ri Sovjetik i [[Lenin]]it. Per pasoje, qeveria e Nolit eshte konsideruar teper idealiste dhe, ne menyre perfundimtare, nje eksperimentim i pafat ne politiken shqiptare. Ne krye te gjashte muajve Noli ra nga fuqia dhe Zogu u rivendos si kryeminister i Shqiparise me ndihmen teper zemergjere te [[Ushtrise Jugosllave]]
In the unusually open and free political, social, and cultural climate that prevailed in Albania between 1920 and 1924, the liberal forces gathered strength, and, by mid-1924, a popular revolt forced Zogu to flee to Yugoslavia. Installed as prime minister of the new government in June 1924, Noli set out to build a Western-style democracy in Albania, and toward that end he announced a radical program of land reform and modernization. But his vacillation in carrying out the program, coupled with a depleted state treasury and a failure to obtain international recognition for his revolutionary, left-of-centre government, quickly alienated most of Noli's supporters, and six months later he was overthrown by an armed assault led by Zogu and aided by Yugoslavia.
Zogu rifilloi sundimin e tij katermbedhjete-vjecar ne shqiperi, ne fillim si president i Shqiperise (1925-28), dhe me vone si [[Zogu I]] [[Mbret i Shqiptareve]]. Revolucioni demokratik i Nolit i la nje pershypje te thelle Zogut dhe ai e kuptoi qe nese Shqiperia kishte per te bere perpara atehere ai duhej te ndermerrte disa reforma domethenese. Si rezultat, Zogu ishte i sukseshem ne vendosjen e rregullit dhe rendit publik dh hapi shume shkolla fillore dhe disa te mesme (ne analize te fundit te pamjaftueshme, meqenese Shqiperia ishte kryesisht analfabete deri ne fund te Luftes se Dyte). Keto reforma kishin pamjen e nje skllaverimi kombetare pasi ne sigurimin e mjeteve financiare Zogu e lidhin veten koke e kembe mbas Italise. Financimet dhe traktatet e shumta, qe ai ndermori me qeverine fashiste te [[Mussolinit]] e bene Shqiperine virtualisht nje koloni Italiane shume kohe me pare se ardhja e [[Ushtrise Italiane]] ne [[Shqiperi]]. Ne vitin 1939 Italia pushtoi Shqiperine dhe e detyroi Zogun te largohesh ne fillim ne [[Greqi]] dhe me vone ne [[Egjipt]].
Zogu began his 14-year reign in Albania-first as president (1925-28), then as King Zog I (1928-39)-in a country rife with political and social instability. Greatly in need of foreign aid and credit in order to stabilize the country, Zog signed a number of accords with Italy. These provided transitory financial relief to Albania, but they effected no basic change in its economy, especially under the conditions of the Great Depression of the 1930s. Italy, on the other hand, viewed Albania primarily as a bridgehead for military expansion into the Balkans. On April 7, 1939, Italy invaded and shortly after occupied the country. King Zog fled to Greece.
Baza mbeshtetese e Zogut ishin bejleret e Shqiperise jugore dhe bajraktaret e veriut. Duke shfrytezuar keto lidhje, dhe duke u mbeshtetur ne ndihmat financiare te Italise dhe nje xhandarmeri te stervitur dhe udhehequr nga oficere te huaj, Zogu solli njefare stabiliteti ne Shqiperi. Ai vendosi autoritetin shteteror ne zonat e thella malore, uli kriminalitetin, hodhi themelet e sistemit te ri arsimor, dhe ndermori disa hapa ne modernizimin e jetes sociale te vendit. Sidoqofte sukseset ishin shume me te vogla ne numer neqoftese krahasohen me deshtimet e tij. Ligjerisht, Zogu ishte nje monarch qe i bindesh kushtetutes se vendit, kurse ''de facto'' ai ishte thjesht nje nje diktator mondan. Zogu deshtoi ne zgjidhjen e promblemit me themelor shqiptar, ate te reformes agrare. Per eliminimin e urise Zogu importonte drithra ne shuma te kosiderueshme, por, sidoqofte, fshatresia perseri ngeli ne nje gjendje te mjerueshme qe detyroi masat e thjeshta popullore te emigronin jashte shtetit. Per me teper Zogu u mohoi shtetasve te tij te drejtat qytetare dhe civile te cilat krijuan kushte te favorshme per kryengritje te shpeshta ndaj regjimit te tij. Ai neglizhoi klasat intelektuale dhe punetore, perhapi korrupsinon shtetor, dhe persekutoi opoziten politike. Keto masa mundesuan krijimin e grupeve dhe celulave te para komuniste te Shqiperise
The social base of Zog's power was a coalition of southern beys and northern bajraktars. With the support of this coalition-plus a vast Oriental bureaucracy, an efficient police force, and Italian money-King Zog brought a large measure of stability to Albania. He extended the authority of the government to the highlands, reduced the brigandage that had formerly plagued the country, laid the foundations of a modern educational system, and took a few steps to Westernize Albanian social life. On balance, however, his achievements were outweighed by his failures. Although formally a constitutional monarch, in reality Zog was a dictator, and Albania under him experienced the fragile stability of a dictatorship. Zog failed to resolve Albania's fundamental problem, that of land reform, leaving the peasantry as impoverished as before. In order to stave off famine, the government had to import food grains annually, but, even so, thousands of people migrated abroad in search of a better life. Moreover, Zog denied democratic freedoms to Albanians and created conditions that spawned periodic revolts against his regime, alienated most of the educated class, fomented labour unrest, and led to the formation of the first communist groups in the country.
===Lufta e Dyte Boterore===