Bob Avakian
Bob Avakian lindi më 7 mars të vitit 1943 në Washington, D.C. Ai është një Kryetar i Partia Komuniste Revolucionare e ShBA, e madhja partia maoistë në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës[1].
Redakto- Away with All Gods! Unchaining the Mind and Radically Changing the World, 2008.
- Observations on Art, Culture, Science, and Philosophy, 2006.
- Marxism and the Call of the Future: Conversations on Ethics, History, and Politics, 2006, shkruar me Bill Martin.
- From Ike to Mao and Beyond: My Journey from Mainstream America to Revolutionary Communist, 2006.
- Preaching from a Pulpit of Bones, 1999.
- Phony Communism is Dead...Long Live Real Communism!, 1992.
- Could We Really Win?, 1991.
- Reflections, Sketches, and Provocations: Essays and Commentary, 1981-1987, 1990.
- Democracy: Can't We Do Better Than That?, 1986.
- Bullets: From the Writings, Speeches, and Interviews of Bob Avakian, 1985.
- A Horrible End, or an End to the Horror?, 1984.
- For a Harvest of Dragons, 1983.
- Mao Tsetung's Immortal Contributions, 1979.
- The Loss in China and the Revolutionary Legacy of Mao Tsetung, 1978.
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Redakto- Veprat e Bob Avakian(Anglisht dhe Spanisht)