Diskutim:Ximi Tahiri

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Kjo faqe këtu është vetëm për diskutim mbi artikullin Ximi Tahiri. Wikipedia nxit diskutimin mes vullnetarëve të saj dhe nuk do të censurojë komente bazuar në pikëpamjet ideologjike ose politike. Wikipedia nuk do t’i ndryshojë komentet. Ato ose do të publikohen, ose do të fshihen nëse nuk u binden rregullave kryesore.
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ju lutem kam harruar te vija kategorine e referencave per ta besuar qe eshte person real dhe njihet ... Me falni per kete problem por ju lutem pezulloni grisjen dhe vazhdoni me mbikqyrjen e kesaq faqe. Faleminderit Wikipedia !

Ximi Tahiri Redakto

Ximi has been working as a manager for about 5 years and he says that he is very happy to work on this and that he has reached the top of the dream he had. He has a lot of followers on Instagram and a lot of good reviews from his clients who have done the work. Ximi received a distribution from a well-known artist after he managed to fix the problems on Instagram. And since that day Ximi has not stopped and is still working very hard with the group he is a member of. 12 tetor 2022 00:07 (CEST)Reply

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