return {
	keyword = {
	i18n = {
		belligerents = 'Palët pjesëmarrëse',
		commanders = 'Komandantët dhe udhëheqësit',
		territory = 'Ndryshimet<br />territoriale',
		part_of = 'Pjesë e %s',
		['date'] = 'Data',
		location = 'Vendodhja',
		place = '{&#123;{place}&#125;}',
		action = 'Veprimi',
		['status'] = 'Gjendja',
		result = 'Pasoja',
		units = 'Njesitë e përfshira',
		strength = 'Fuqia ushtarake',
		political_support = 'Mbështetja politike',
		military_support = 'Mbështetja ushtarake',
		casualties = 'Viktimat dhe humbjet',
		location_within = 'Vendodhja brenda %s'
	arg = {
		arg_order = '$1$2$3',
		-- regarding arg_order:
		-- $1 is the argument part name,
		-- $2 is the number,
		-- $3 is the letter (where necessary; it is the empty string otherwise)
		-- while I would prefer it didn't work this way, this applies to all
		-- parameters that have numbering and lettering
		-- reorder per language preference
		letters = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }, -- arg part
		letters_and_empty = {'', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'}, -- arg part
		combatant = 'combatant', -- arg part
		combatants_header = 'combatants_header', -- arg part
		commander = 'commander', -- arg part
		commanders_header = 'commanders_header', -- arg part
		units = 'units', -- arg part
		units_header = 'units_header', -- arg part
		strength = 'strength', -- arg part
		strengths_header = 'strengths_header', -- arg part
		polstrength = 'polstrength', -- arg part
		polstrengths_header = 'polstrengths_header', -- arg part
		milstrength = 'milstrength', -- arg part
		milstrengths_header = 'milistrengths_header', -- arg part
		casualties = 'casualties', -- arg part
		casualties_header = 'casualties_header', -- arg part
		notes = 'notes',
		conflict = 'conflict',
		width = 'width',
		campaignbox = 'campaignbox',
		partof = 'partof',
		image = 'image',
		image_size = 'image_size',
		alt = 'alt',
		caption = 'caption',
		['date'] = 'date',
		place = 'place',
		coordinates = 'coordinates',
		action = 'action',
		['status'] = 'status',
		result = 'result',
		territory = 'territory',
		map_type = 'map_type',
		map_relief = 'map_relief',
		map_size = 'map_size',
		map_mark = 'map_mark',
		map_marksize = 'map_marksize',
		map_label = 'map_label',
		map_alt = 'map_alt',
		map_caption = 'map_caption',
	dep = {
		stack_begin_clear = 'clear',
		iimage_image = 'image',
		iimage_size = 'size',
		iimage_sizedefault = 'sizedefault',
		iimage_upright = 'upright',
		iimage_alt = 'alt',
		-- todo: add location_map_main
		-- todo: add location_map_data
	dep_key = {
		stack_begin_true = 'true',
		iimage_sizedefault_frameless = 'frameless',
		iimage_upright_1 = 1,
		map_float_center = 'center',
		map_border_none = 'none',