Albanian Shepherd Dog Redakto

Albanian Shepherd Dog is a name that has support in sources. I would like if someone from this Wikiproject would work with me in order to create a class C article for the beginning.

This is of great importance because of the sittuation that FCI currently do not recognize the Albanian Shepherd Dog as a modern breed, and we could do the starting point - that being - searching through to find sources and present them here.

There are many hits for the Albanian dog on, many of them in full searchable and editable text - completely free of copyright.

  1. ^ Meyrick, John. House dogs and sporting dogs: their varieties, points, management, training, breeding, rearing and diseases. John van Voorst Press, London, 1861, pp 50-51
  2. ^ Youatt, William ; Lewis, Elisha Joseph. The dog, Blanchard and Lea, Philadelphia, 1855, pp 52-53

The Albanian Cynological Association can help, even if there is not much content, there are a web-form to contact the authors, they can also help.