ocean planet

hypothetical type of planet whose surface is completely covered with an ocean of water with potential signs of life; in fiction see Q98807723

External resources

Microsoft Academic ID
Freebase ID
Unified Astronomy Thesaurus ID
Environment Ontology ID

instancë e

lloj objekti astronomik

nënklasë e

terrestrial planet
hypothetical planet

water as percent of area

100 përqind

mënyra e burimit: rreth vitit

materiali i përdorur


ka pjesë të klasës

World Ocean

sasia: 1

ka pjesë

formë tjetër

fictional ocean planet

kategoria në Commons

Ocean planets

kategoria kryesore

Category:Ocean planets


  1. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  2. ^ a b Environment Ontology, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/INCATools/environments2wikidata/master/matches/curated-high-confidence-envo.tsv, 8 janar 2023