
gjini e insekteve

External resources

NBIC taxon ID
NBN System Key
Dyntaxa ID
GBIF taxon ID
Nederlands Soortenregister ID
NCBI taxonomy ID
BioLib taxon ID
Plant Parasites of Europe ID
Encyclopedia of Life ID
Belgian Species List ID
Fauna Europaea ID
Open Tree of Life ID
Fauna Europaea New ID
Catalogue of Life ID

instancë e

emri shkencor


parent taxon


kategoria kryesore



  1. ^ National Biodiversity Network, 7 shkurt 2017
  2. ^ Dyntaxa, 14 korrik 2015
  3. ^ UMLS 2023, 20 qershor 2023, inferred by common NCBI Taxon ID mappings on source and on Wikidata
  4. ^ Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 12 dhjetor 2015
  5. ^ Nederlands Soortenregister, 14 janar 2017
  6. ^ Taxonomy database of the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information, 15 shtator 2017
  7. ^ Encyclopedia of Life, 3 korrik 2015
  8. ^ Belgian Species List, 23 gusht 2019
  9. ^ Fauna Europaea, 1 korrik 2015
  10. ^ Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera, 19 prill 2018
  11. ^ Open Tree of Life reference taxonomy version 3.6, 1 mars 2024
  12. ^ Fauna Europaea, 19 shkurt 2018
  13. ^ 10.48580/dfpx