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An empire in Central and South Asia (30–375 AD)
External resources Freebase ID DDB person (GND) ID Library of Congress ID sh85073498 deklarohet si: Broader Terms: Ethnology--South Asia India--History--324 B.C.-1000 A.D. Yuezhi (Asian people)
alternative name: Kuṣāṇa , Kushanas
Klasifikimi i Bibliotekës së Kongresit BQ302-BQ304 referuar si: Kaniṣka, Kushan emperor, ca. 144-170, and Buddhism
alternative name: Philosophy. Psychology. Religion--Buddhism--History--By period--Early and medieval (Early to ca. 1200 A.D.)--Early to rise of Mahayana Buddhism (ca. 100 A.D.)--Ca. 100-ca. 550 A.D. (Development of Mahayana Buddhism and the introduction of Buddhism to other parts of Asia--Kaniṣka, Kushan emperor, ca. 144-170, and Buddhism , Kaniṣka, Kushan emperor, ca. 144-170--Buddhism
Iranica ID Encyclopædia Britannica Online ID topic/Kushan-dynasty referuar si: Kushan dynasty
PACTOLS thesaurus ID Larousse ID Treccani's Dizionario di Storia ID NDL Authority ID Great Russian Encyclopedia Online ID (old version) 2124418 referuar si: КУШАНСКОЕ ЦАРСТВО
National Historical Museums of Sweden ID Nomisma ID Encyclopædia Universalis ID Art & Architecture Thesaurus ID NL CR AUT ID xx0149508 referuar si: kušánská říše
GND ID Grove Art Online ID VIAF ID Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) ID Quora topic ID J9U ID
instancë ehistorical country
emërtimi në gjuhën amëΒασιλεία Κοσσανῶν
shfuqizuar 375 instancë e: statement with Gregorian date earlier than 1584
harta e lokacionit
përshkruar nga burimiArmenian Soviet Encyclopedia, vol. 12
Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4
Galeria në CommonsKushan Empire
kategoria në CommonsKushan Empire
kategoria kryesore Category:Kushan Empire
^ Freebase Data Dumps , 28 tetor 2013
^ National Library of Israel Names and Subjects Authority File