Ibrahim Baylan

politikan suedez

media legend: Ibrahim Baylan under Skolforum i Stockholm, Sverige i oktober 2012, Ibrahim Baylan during Skolforum in Stockholm, Sweden in October 2012

data: 31 tetor 2012

External resources

Swedish Parliament person GUID
Riksdagen person-ID
OpenSanctions ID
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NE.se ID
Prabook ID
Freebase ID
emri në Twiter

X numeric user ID: 1106220342241046530

ka veçori: verified account or profile

koha e fillimit: 14 mars 2019

data: 1 mars 2020

instancë e




emri në gjuhën amë

İbrahim Baylan





data e lindjes

15 mars 1972

vendi i lindjes


gjuhë që flet, shkruan ose këndon


pozicioni që ka mbajtur

Minister for Energy

replaces: Anna-Karin Hatt

koha e përfundimit: 21 janar 2019

koha e fillimit: 3 tetor 2014

zëvendësuar nga: Anders Ygeman

member of cabinet: Löfven I Cabinet

Minister of Primary Education

replaces: Thomas Östros

koha e përfundimit: 6 tetor 2006

koha e fillimit: 21 tetor 2004

zëvendësuar nga: Jan Björklund

member of cabinet: Persson Cabinet

Minister for Enterprise[3][4]

koha e fillimit: 21 janar 2019

replaces: Mikael Damberg

member of cabinet: Cabinet Löfven II, Cabinet Löfven III

koha e përfundimit: 30 nëntor 2021

Minister for Government Coordination

replaces: s’ka vlerë

koha e përfundimit: 21 janar 2019

koha e fillimit: 25 maj 2016

zëvendësuar nga: s’ka vlerë

member of cabinet: Löfven I Cabinet

member of the Swedish Riksdag[5]

parliamentary term: 2006–2010 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Västerbotten County Constituency

koha e përfundimit: 31 gusht 2007

koha e fillimit: 7 tetor 2006

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

elected in: 2006 Swedish general election

member of the Swedish Riksdag[5]

parliamentary term: 2006–2010 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Stockholm County Constituency

koha e përfundimit: 4 tetor 2010

koha e fillimit: 1 janar 2008

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

end cause: dissolution of parliament

member of the Swedish Riksdag[5]

parliamentary term: 2010–2014 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Västerbotten County Constituency

koha e përfundimit: 27 mars 2011

koha e fillimit: 4 tetor 2010

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

elected in: 2010 Swedish general election

member of the Swedish Riksdag[5]

parliamentary term: 2010–2014 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Stockholm County Constituency

koha e përfundimit: 29 shtator 2014

koha e fillimit: 16 gusht 2011

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

end cause: dissolution of parliament

member of the Swedish Riksdag[5][6]

koha e përfundimit: 2 tetor 2014

parliamentary term: 2014–2018 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Stockholm County Constituency

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

koha e fillimit: 29 shtator 2014

end cause: entering government

zëvendësuar nga: Agneta Karlsson

elected in: 2014 Swedish general election

member of the Swedish Riksdag[7]

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

parliamentary term: 2018–2022 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Stockholm County Constituency

koha e përfundimit: 24 shtator 2018

koha e fillimit: 24 shtator 2018

end cause: entering government

zëvendësuar nga: Markus Selin

elected in: 2018 Swedish general election

Chair of the Committee on Transport and Communications[8]

koha e fillimit: 1 janar 2008

replaces: Christina Axelsson

zëvendësuar nga: Lena Hallengren

koha e përfundimit: 17 mars 2009

Member of the Committee on Education[8]

koha e fillimit: 10 tetor 2006

koha e përfundimit: 25 shtator 2007

Member of the Committee on Transport and Communications[8]

koha e fillimit: 26 shtator 2007

koha e përfundimit: 31 dhjetor 2007

Member of the Committee on Education[8]

koha e fillimit: 24 shkurt 2012

koha e përfundimit: 29 shkurt 2012

member of the Swedish Riksdag[9]

parliamentary group: Swedish Social Democratic Party

parliamentary term: 2018–2022 Swedish Riksdag

zonë zgjedhore: Stockholm County Constituency

koha e përfundimit: 28 qershor 2022

koha e fillimit: 30 nëntor 2021

end cause: resignation

zëvendësuar nga: Azadeh Rojhan Gustafsson

elected in: 2018 Swedish general election

Minister for Rural Affairs

natyra e deklaratës: acting

koha e fillimit: 30 qershor 2021

koha e përfundimit: 9 korrik 2021

Minister for Rural Affairs

natyra e deklaratës: De fakto

koha e fillimit: 9 korrik 2021

zëvendësuar nga: Anna-Caren Sätherberg

koha e përfundimit: 30 nëntor 2021

shkalla akademike

Master of Social Science

vend pune

affiliation string

Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden[10]

anëtar në partinë politike

Swedish Social Democratic Party

candidacy in election

2018 Swedish general election[11]

candidate number: 70462

age of subject at event: 46 years old

zonë zgjedhore: Stockholm County Constituency

reprezenton: Swedish Social Democratic Party

pjesëmarrës në

World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018[12]

referuar si: Ibrahim Baylan

anëtar i

Swedish Association of Christian Social Democrats

social media followers


X numeric user ID: 1106220342241046530

data: 2 janar 2021

kategoria në Commons

Ibrahim Baylan


  1. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  2. ^ a b inferred from person's full name
  3. ^ https://www.regeringen.se/pressmeddelanden/2019/01/sveriges-nya-regering/, 21 janar 2019
  4. ^ Näringsminister, Ibrahim Baylan, suedisht, https://www.regeringen.se/sveriges-regering/, Sveriges regering - Regeringen.se, 13 nëntor 2021
  5. ^ a b c d e 0973474532717, 3 korrik 2020
  6. ^ Q98480686, 21 qershor 2021
  7. ^ Riksdagen minutes 2018/19:1, 28 qershor 2021
  8. ^ a b c d 0973474532717, 26 korrik 2020
  9. ^ https://riksdagen.se/sv/ledamoter-partier/ledamot/ibrahim-baylan_bcd88e0a-70d7-4a1c-b52e-7d7cd4651382
  10. ^ Davos 2018 Participant List
  11. ^ https://www.val.se/valresultat/riksdag-landsting-och-kommun/2018/nuvarande-och-avgangna-ledamoter.html, Swedish Election Authority, Nuvarande ledamöter, I filen ”Nuvarande ledamöter” ingår valtyp, geografi, parti, namn på ledamot, tillträdesdatum, kön, invalsordning, om de blivit personvalda, födelseår, vilken lista de blivit valda ifrån och platsen på den listan samt valtillfälle...Definitioner för filernaTillträdesdatum Om ledamoten utsågs direkt vid valet så anges valdagen som tillträdesdatum. Annars anges det datum då länsstyrelsen utsåg ledamoten vid efterträdarval., 20 tetor 2019
  12. ^ Davos 2018 Participant List, Ibrahim Baylan - Minister for Policy Coordination and Energy of Sweden - Office of the Prime Minister of Sweden