Orycteropus abundulafus

species of mammal (fossil)

External resources

Freebase ID
Fossilworks taxon ID
GBIF taxon ID
Paleobiology Database taxon ID

instancë e

fossil taxon

emër i shkurtër

O. abundulafus[3]

emri shkencor

Orycteropus abundulafus

taxon author: Thomas Lehmann, Patrick Vignaud, Likius Andossa, Michel Brunet

year of publication of scientific name for taxon: 2005

taxon rank

parent taxon


përfundimi i afatit kohor

fillimi i afatit kohor



  1. ^ Fossilworks, 13 maj 2015
  2. ^ Global Biodiversity Information Facility, 30 janar 2023
  3. ^ inferred from taxon name