Kjo është një nënfaqe udhëzuese për Stampa:Rating. Faqja përmban informacion mbi përdorimin, kategoritë dhe përmbajtje të tjera që nuk janë pjesë e faqes kryesore përkatëse. |
This template is designed to provide a star rating system. If more than six stars are used, their size is decreased.
When to use this template
RedaktoPlease only use this star template if the rating was actually given in stars. For example, if a reviewer awards something a rating of "8.6" (expressed in digits) on a scale of ten, you should write it as "8.6" or "8.6/10.0" in your article. Do not use {{rating|8.6|10}} as it is inaccurate and misleading. Note that a rating on a scale of ten expressed with stars can be hard to read.
Redakto- {{Rating|4|5}} displays as
- {{Rating|0|3}} displays as
- {{Rating|3.5|6}} displays as
- {{Rating|8|8}} displays as
- {{Rating|5|10}} displays as
See also