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  • Përmbajuni temës!
  • Nuk lejohen: sharje, fyerje, fjalor i papërshtatshëm, gjuhë që përmban urrejtje, sulme personale, thirrje për dhunë apo çdo qëndrim tjetër jo i rregullt.

Your above court: we have a concern in Kosovo, Pristina regarding the privatization of the liquidation of assets with special Smirnoff 01/18/2017 .prej are selling some assets, local etc. one of them being a local business st. A.Ramadani no. 27. where the local assumed that selling is about 433,000 eu. 81 m. the local ket have worked for 18 years non-stop, where 13 families have been loaves of Kathy lokali.tash should close the business and the employees' departure, none of us was to us not responded KPA. and the owner who has purchased local ket relating to the Managing Director and staff of the KPA, as well as with Prime Minister guys have only terminal and money laundering. The above shpresojmi court from you to us hpeni a door to kerkojmi your help. you flemderit.