Armend The Great
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RedaktoHOLY STOLEN LANDS For To Get Your Own Lands Back You have to fight For, Because No One Als Will,Every One Who Hesitate to Help You Or Try To Help You,or Will Help You,Will do Only Because of the Favoure,Or For Intrest and Thets The Truth All Truth and Nothing But The Truth,.So Help Us GOD ALLMIGHTY,. Mr Armend Sahatxhija Sahatçiu Ora
RedaktoOnly Importent Thing in this Life,Its The Truth All Truth and Nothing But The Truth so Help Me GOD ALLMIGHTY, We Humans Have All Weys Tell The Truth In Any sercumstances What so Ever,The Only Importent Thing Its The Truth,. People Of The World,Planet,.Pellazgé-Illyrian-Alb-Alban-Albanian People,are The Only Direct-Link People Thet are The Ansecters of The Alb-Albans-Albanian People,.and Thets a Truth,. and Their Original Lands are The Lands of The Atlond-Atland-Atlantis and Thets The Truth All The Truth and Nothing But The Truth so Help Me GOD ALLMIGHTY,. Armend The Great Armend The One Armend Sahatxhija Sahatçiu Ora Armend The Great (diskutimet) 5 dhjetor 2017 00:34 (CET)
Unity Without intrest
RedaktoThe Only Good,ferr and Clean Fight, Battle Its The Fight-Battle, For Your Creator-Kingdom-Home-Land,. and Thet is the Heart and Soul Fight-Battle, The True,Real and unest Fight-Battle, and Thets The Truth All The Truth and Nothing But The Truth so Help Me GOD ALLMIGHTY Armend The Great (diskutimet) 7 dhjetor 2017 12:57 (CET)