Günter Gloser

politikan gjerman

External resources

abgeordnetenwatch.de politician ID
OpenSanctions ID
Freebase ID
WorldCat Entities ID
Deutsche Biographie (GND) ID

instancë e




emri në gjuhën amë

Günter Gloser





data e lindjes

27 janar 1950[5]

reason for preferred rank: most precise value

vendi i lindjes

gjuhë amtare

gjuhë që flet, shkruan ose këndon


pozicioni që ka mbajtur

member of the German Bundestag[6]

elected in: 1994 German federal election

parliamentary term: 13th German Bundestag

koha e fillimit: 10 nëntor 1994

koha e përfundimit: 26 tetor 1998

Parliamentary Secretary in Germany
Commissioner for Franco-German co-operation

koha e fillimit: 2006

replaces: Hans Martin Bury

zëvendësuar nga: Werner Hoyer

koha e përfundimit: 2010

member of the German Bundestag[7]

parliamentary term: 17th German Bundestag

koha e fillimit: 27 tetor 2009

koha e përfundimit: 22 tetor 2013

member of the German Bundestag[8]

parliamentary term: 16th German Bundestag

koha e fillimit: 18 tetor 2005

koha e përfundimit: 27 tetor 2009

member of the German Bundestag[8]

parliamentary group: SPD Bundestag fraction

parliamentary term: 15th German Bundestag

koha e fillimit: 17 tetor 2002

koha e përfundimit: 18 tetor 2005

member of the German Bundestag[9]

koha e përfundimit: 17 tetor 2002

parliamentary term: 14th German Bundestag

koha e fillimit: 26 tetor 1998

parliamentary group: SPD Bundestag fraction

vend pune


SPD Bundestag fraction

anëtar në partinë politike

pjesëmarrës në

2012 German presidential election[10]

pjesë e: Q21015537

2009 German presidential election
2004 German presidential election
2010 German presidential election
1999 German presidential election



catalog: basic data about the members of the Bundestag

çmime të marra

Bavarian Order of Merit

kategoria në Commons

Günter Gloser


  1. ^ Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 7 tetor 2018, 256054222
  2. ^ 6 qershor 2024, Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 256054222
  3. ^ GND, 24 prill 2014
  4. ^ a b inferred from person's full name
  5. ^ basic data about the members of the Bundestag, 13 prill 2018, 11002660
  6. ^ basic data about the members of the Bundestag, 28 dhjetor 2018
  7. ^ http://webarchiv.bundestag.de/archive/2013/1212/bundestag/abgeordnete17/alphabet/index.html, 29 tetor 2021
  8. ^ a b bundestag.de
  9. ^ bundestag.de, 30 tetor 2021
  10. ^ http://www.bundestag.de/blob/192342/82983e7fb1389de5fa72d5cbf310fc62/bundestag-data.pdf
  11. ^ basic data about the members of the Bundestag, 13 prill 2018