Wikipedia diskutim:Wikimedia CEE Spring 2023
Latest comment: 1 vit më parë by NickK in topic Ukraina
Kjo faqe këtu është vetëm për diskutim mbi faqen teknike Wikimedia CEE Spring 2023. Wikipedia nxit diskutimin mes vullnetarëve të saj dhe nuk do të censurojë komente bazuar në pikëpamjet ideologjike ose politike. Wikipedia nuk do t’i ndryshojë komentet. Ato ose do të publikohen, ose do të fshihen nëse nuk u binden rregullave kryesore.
Të gjitha komentet u nënshtrohen këtyre rregullave:
Sorry for writing in English, please feel free to translate :)
Thank you for organising the CEE Spring and hope to see a lot of articles about Ukraine! We have a new list of about 100 articles m:Wikimedia CEE Spring 2023/Structure/Ukraine: we change our lists every year, and this year the focus is on topics directly or indirectly connected with the Russian-Ukrainian War.
In addition, we have made two lists with gaps specifically for Albanian Wikipedia:
- m:Wikimedia CEE Spring 2023/Structure/Ukraine/Red#sq Albanian: 10 most important articles that are missing (red links) in your Wikipedia. For example, you have no article about Himni i Ukrainës while 31 CEE wikis already have it.
- m:Wikimedia CEE Spring 2023/Structure/Ukraine/Stubs#sq Albanian: 10 most important articles that are stubs (only a few sentences) in your Wikipedia. For example, you have only one line about Gjeografia e Ukrainës.
Please help us make this campaign successful, cover the red link gaps and improve the stubs about Ukraine in your wiki! — NickK (diskutimet) 7 prill 2023 20:08 (CEST)