Sesaretët (Sesarethus) kanë qenë një fis antik i ilirëve të cilët jetonin përreth qytet antik Sesaretia [1] por që vendbanimi i saktë i tyre ende mbetet i palokalizuar. [2] Sipas disa historianëve, sesaretët bënin pjesë në grupin e Taulantëve ndërsa sipas disa të tjerëve ata bënin pjesë në grupin e Enkelejve. Përmenden nga Straboni dhe Hekataeu i Miletit. [3]

Shih edhe



  1. ^ Epirus: the geography, the ancient remains, the history and topography of... by Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, 1967, page 467, "The Enchelae then cannot be the Sesarethii. The Peresyades, we conclude, were chiefs of a Taulantian tribe from Sesarethus and were also called Sesarethii. I should then punctuate the text as follows:... Βρύγοι πλησίον δε που και τα αργυρεία τα εν Δαμαστίω. Περεσάδυες τε συνεστήσαντο την δυναστείαν των Εγχελέων..."
  2. ^ The Cambridge ancient history: The fourth century B.C.
  3. ^ The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 6: The Fourth Century BC by D. M. Lewis (Editor), John Boardman (Editor), Simon Hornblower (Editor), M. Ostwald (Editor), ISBN 0-521-23348-8, 1994, page 423