Urmas Paet

politikan estonez

data: 2024

External resources

Geni.com profile ID
Freebase ID
MEP directory ID
Library of Congress ID
IdRef ID
Mastodon address
OpenSanctions ID
emri në Twiter

numër identifikues në X: 1198416960

ka veçori: verified account or profile

numër i abonentëve: 23.960, 23.480

koha e fillimit: 19 shkurt 2013

data: 27 prill 2020

ESBL athlete ID
Facebook ID
Prabook ID
identifikues i BNF

instancë e





emri në gjuhën amë

Urmas Paet





data e lindjes

20 prill 1974[8]

vendi i lindjes


Tiina Paet

gjuhë që flet, shkruan ose këndon



pozicioni që ka mbajtur

Member of the European Parliament[6]

parliamentary term: Eighth European Parliament

zonë zgjedhore: Estonia

elected in: 2024 European Parliament election

koha e fillimit: 3 nëntor 2014

replaces: Andrus Ansip

reprezenton: Estonian Reform Party

Minister of Culture

koha e fillimit: 10 prill 2003

replaces: Signe Kivi

koha e përfundimit: 12 prill 2005

Minister of Foreign Affairs

replaces: Rein Lang

koha e fillimit: 13 prill 2005

zëvendësuar nga: Keit Pentus-Rosimannus

koha e përfundimit: 3 nëntor 2014

member of the Riigikogu

parliamentary term: 13th Riigikogu

zonë zgjedhore: Electoral District 3 (Mustamäe and Nõmme)

parliamentary group: Estonian Reform Party

koha e fillimit: 30 mars 2015

koha e përfundimit: 27 mars 2015

elected in: 2015 Estonian parliamentary election

member of the Riigikogu[10]

parliamentary term: 12th Riigikogu

parliamentary group: Estonian Reform Party

koha e fillimit: 27 mars 2011

koha e përfundimit: 5 prill 2011

elected in: 2011 Estonian parliamentary election

Member of the European Parliament[6]

parliamentary term: Ninth European Parliament

zonë zgjedhore: Estonia

parliamentary group: Renew Europe

koha e fillimit: 2 korrik 2019

elected in: 2019 European Parliament election

reprezenton: Estonian Reform Party

member of the Riigikogu[11]

parliamentary term: 11th Riigikogu

zonë zgjedhore: Electoral District 3 (Mustamäe and Nõmme)

koha e përfundimit: 4 prill 2007

parliamentary group: Estonian Reform Party

end cause: entering government

zëvendësuar nga: Raivo Järvi

koha e fillimit: 27 mars 2007

Member of the European Parliament[12]

parliamentary term: Tenth European Parliament

zonë zgjedhore: Estonia

parliamentary group: Renew Europe

koha e fillimit: 16 korrik 2024

reprezenton: Estonian Reform Party

elected in: 2024 European Parliament election

arsimuar në

Kadriorg German Gymnasium[8]

anëtar në partinë politike

Estonian Reform Party[13]

koha e fillimit: 9 nëntor 1999

candidacy in election

2016 Estonian presidential election[14]

çmime të marra

Order of the National Coat of Arms, 3rd Class

data: 2012

Order of the Three Stars, 2nd Class

data: 2009

webfaqja zyrtare

përshkruar nga burimi


deklarata është subjekt i: Q17317030

titulli: Паэт, Урмас

social media followers


numër identifikues në X: 1198416960

data: 7 shkurt 2023

kategoria në Commons

Urmas Paet


  1. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  2. ^ a b c d e Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 24 korrik 2024, 242149544561200490004
  3. ^ 10 maj 2018
  4. ^ a b 21 shtator 2019, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/129073/URMAS_PAET/home
  5. ^ inferred from person's given name
  6. ^ a b c Members of the European Parliament, 129073
  7. ^ a b inferred from person's full name
  8. ^ a b c d Urmas_Paet, 10 tetor 2024, Urmas Paet, Eesti Spordi Biograafiline Leksikon
  9. ^ Members of the European Parliament, 20 prill 2022, 129073
  10. ^ https://www.riigikogu.ee/tutvustus-ja-ajalugu/riigikogu-ajalugu/xii-riigikogu-koosseis/juhatus-ja-liikmed/
  11. ^ 28 nëntor 2022, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_11th_Riigikogu, Urmas Paet
  12. ^ Members of the European Parliament, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/meps/en/197652129073
  13. ^ https://ariregister.rik.ee/eng/political_party/members_search?person_name=urmas+paet, 27 mars 2022, Centre of Registers and Information Systems, Search for a party member
  14. ^ 2016 Estonian presidential election