Wikipedia:Robotët/Kërkesë për miratim/Darkicebot
Operator: Razorflame
Automatik apo i shoqëruar:Supervised loosely
Gjuhë programimi:Pywikipedia
Përmbledhja e përdorimitUpdates all of the interwiki links on all of the pages and categories
Periudha e redaktimit ( gjithnjë, përditë, njëherë,...):Always
Ritmi i redaktimeve:10-13 edits a minute
Ka titullin? (Po/Jo):Yes, it has bot flags on 20+ Wikipedias.
Hollësitë e përdorimit:Same as the Function Summary. Will maintain the interwiki links. Thank you! Razorflame 14 Shkurt 2009 06:26 (CET)
Redakto- From now on, I will only have my bot editing both my userpage and its' own userpage until this request is over. Furthermore, it will only edit once and then stop, so you won't have to worry about it editing incessantly. I would appreciate it if you would not block it again, as I will not be running it here otherwise. Thanks, Razorflame 15 Shkurt 2009 22:23 (CET)