Wikipedia:Robotët/Kërkesë për miratim/StigBot
Operator: Stigmj
Automatik apo i shoqëruar: unsupervised and some times supervised
Gjuhë programimi: python (pywikipedia)
Përmbledhja e përdorimit mainly interwiki, but can be used in user-namespace for adding userpages etc. on request from the affected users.
Periudha e redaktimit ( gjithnjë, përditë, njëherë,...): always
Ritmi i redaktimeve: up to 6 edits per minute
Ka titullin? (Po/Jo): not here
Hollësitë e përdorimit: Runs manually initiated automatic supervised and sometimes entirely manual. Already has global bot flag and specific bot flag on: als, ar, ast, be_x_old, bg, bn, bpy, ca, chr, cs, cu, da, de, en, eo, es, fi, fr, fur, gu, gv, hr, hsb, hu, ia, ie, io, is, it, iu, ja, lad, mi, mk, na, new, nl, nn, no, oc, os, pl, pt, ro, ru, sa, sah, sco, si, simple, so, sr, sv, tr, udm, uz, vo, zh_classical and zh