Vojsava Kastrioti: Dallime mes rishikimesh

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{{Cnote2|A|'''Name:Voisava Tripalda'''<ref group=Shenimi>Barleti givese herjep nameemrin ase simplysaj thjesht "Voisava" ({{lang-lat|ne latinisht Voisava}}),<ref name=BarletiuslIfo2/> withoutpa anyndonje surnamembiemer. AccordingSipas toMuzakes Muzakaemri heri namesaj wasishte "Voisava Tripalda".<ref> Te Hopf 1873, pfq. 301, quotingqe Muzakaciton Muzaken: "Muzachi "E la madre de detto Signor Scanderbeg, moglie del detto Signor Giovanni, hebbe nome Signora Voisava Tripalda e venne da bonna parte"</ref>. According toSipas Potter,<ref>[http://www.jstor.org/pss/554790 JSTOR: The English Historical Review, Vol. 53, No. 209 (Jan., 1938), ppfq. 129-131]</ref> anddhe Hahn, thembiemri surnamei addedshtuar bynga Muzaka iseshte anje corruptionshtremberim orose derivativei fromrrjedhur Barleti'snga quotepermendja one theBarletit Triballi.<ref> te J.G. von Hahn, Reise durch die Gebiet des Drin und Wardar, pfq. 305: "Skanderbeg's Mutter wird von dem Despoten einmal Visava Tribalda (*), ein andersmal Voisava Tripalda genannt, ...". (*)(Footnote 3) "Dieser Name mag vielleicth Anlass zu der sonderbaren Angabe des Barletius S. 4 gegeben haben, dass ihr Vater nobilissimus Tribalorum princeps gewesen sei." ("Tribalda"dhe orte "Tripalda" is a corruption or derivative from Barleti's quotation on Triballi)</ref><ref>Denkschriften Vol. 16, 1869, [http://books.google.com/?id=ri3mAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA1-PA117 pfq. 117]</ref>. TheEmri givenjepet nameedhe issi also'''Vojsava''' rendereddhe asmbiemri i saj i mundshem si '''VojsavaTribalda'''. Emri "Voisava" eshte sllav, andsipas herGegaj possible1937, surnamefq. as36: "Le nom Voisava est certes d'origine ''Tribaldaslave'', mais on ne peut en conclure, comme le fait JORGA, Brève histoire" dhe sipas Jireček, Geschichle der Bulgaren, t. II, fq. 368: "''affirme aussi l'origine slave des Castriota''". Ai konsiderohet i rrjedhur nga emri '''Vojislav(a)'''. Shiko Šimundić 1988, [http://books.google.com/?id=9wAdAAAAYAAJ&q=voisava fq. 370]</ref> (1402-1405) ka qene nje fisnike qe me shume gjasa ka qene e bija e nje princi nga [[Pollogu]] (ne ditet e sotme ndodhet ne territorin e [[Republika e Maqedonise]]). Nga martesa me [[Gjon Kastrioti]]n, ajo pati nënte fëmije, ku nje nga ata ka qene fisniku i fuqishem shqiptar i historise, i shpalluri hero kombetar [[Skënderbeu]].
{{Infobox person
| honorific_prefix =
| name = Voisava Tripalda
| other_names = Vojsava, Tribalda{{Cref2|A|2}}
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| death_place =
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| nationality =
| ethnicity = [[#sllave|Disputed, see ''sllave]]]]'']]
| citizenship =
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| known_for = ndikimin ne jeten e Gjon dhe Gjergj kastriotit
| home_town = ndikimin ne jeten e Gjonit dhe te birit Gjergjit
| title =
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| religion = kristiane{{Cref2|B}}
| spouse = [[Gjon Kastrioti]]
| children = [[#Family|9 children, see ''Family'']]
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'''Voisava Tripalda'''{{Cref2|A|1}} ([[floruit|fl.]] 1402-1405) ka qene nje [[fisnike]], me shume gjasa ka mundesi te kete qene e bija e nje princi nga [[Pollog]]u (ne ditet e sotme ndodhet ne territorin e [[Republika e Maqedonise]]). Nga martesa me [[Gjon Kastrioti]], ajo pati nënte fëmije ,ku nje nga ata ka qene fisniku i fuqishem [[shqiptar]] i historise , i shpalluri hero kombetar [[Skënderbeu|George Kastrioti ''"Skënderbeu"'']].
Si pasoje e mungeses se dokumenteve burimore ka një debat mbi përkatësinë etnike të VoisavesVojsaves.
===Burime te hershme===
Punimet e para qe ofrojnë informacion për origjinën e Vojsavës janë:
*[[Marin Barleti]] (1450-1513), historiani Shqiptaroshqiptaro-Venecianvenecian, i cili shkroi në biografine e [[Skënderbeu|Gjergj Kastriotit]] (publikuar në mes 1508-1510), që ajo ishte "e bija e një fisniku nga Triballi".<ref name=BarletiuslIfo2>Barletius, l. I, fo 2: «uxori Voisavae nomen erat non indignam eo viro tum pater nobilissimus Triballorum princeps, tum forma...»</ref><ref>Gegaj 1937, [http://books.google.com/books?id=usxBAAAAYAAJ&q=%22uxori+Voisavae+nomen+erat%22&dq=%22uxori+Voisavae+nomen+erat%22&hl=en p. 40]</ref> InNje anothernje chaptertjeter kapitull, whenkur talkingflet aboutrreth thebanoreve inhabitants of Upperte [[DebarDibra|Dibres]] thatse defendedSiperme Svetigradqe mbrojten Svetigradin, heai callsi themquan ata "Bulgariansbullgarë orose TriballiTribaldë".<ref>Barletius, l. V, fo. 62: "Superior Dibra montuosa est et aspera, ferax tarnen et Macedoniam tum ipsa loci vicinitate, tum similitudine morum contingens. Bulgari sive Tribali habitant"</ref> Howevergjithesesi, the termtermi "TriballiansTribaldë" (Triballoi) appearsshfaqet frequentlyshpesh inne Byzantineveprat andbizantine otherdhe Europeanevropiane workste ofmesjetes, theduke Middleju Ages,referuar referringekskluzivisht exclusively to [[Serbs]]serbeve.<ref>[http://books.google.com/?id=jFPQAAAAMAAJ&q=triballians The Journal of Hellenic studies] Page 48: "Byzantine historians [...] calling [...] Serbs ''Triballians''"</ref><ref>Stuck 1577, [http://books.google.gr/books?id=vRZKISETNi0C&pg=PR79&lpg=PR79 p. 51]</ref><ref>Foxe 1837, p. 27</ref>
*[[Gjon Muzaka]] (fl. 1510),nje fisnik shqiptar nga [[Muzakafamilja familyMuzaka]], allegedpohon in hisne ''Muzaka ChronicleKroniken'' e tij (publishedte inpublikuar ne vitin 1510) that these "MarquisMarkezi ofi TripaldaTribalda-s" wasishte maternallyi relatedlidhur tonga thenena me familjen Muzaka.<ref>Musachi, [http://books.google.com/books?id=xTvPAAAAMAAJ&q=%22e+venne+da+bona+parte%22&dq=%22e+venne+da+bona+parte%22&hl=en pfq. 301]: "Accio sappiate, in che modo c'era parente il Signor marchese della Tripalda, ve dico, che l'e per parte de donna... (Know that the Marquis of Tripalda is related to us by a female line);</ref> FurthermorePer me teper, inne anothernje tjeter chapterkapitull, heai assignsi thekonsideron "TriballiTribaldet" to the Serbsserbe.<ref>Muzachi, pfq. 313: "...Tribali overo Misii ch' hoggi se nominato Serviani."</ref>
===Burime moderne===
*[[Johann Georg von Hahn]] (1811-1869), nje njohes dhe studies gjerman i kulturekultures shqipatershqiptare qe ishte ne sherbim edhe teanetar akademisei Akademise austriakAustriake etete shkencaveShkencave, hadka severalmjaft thesisteza onmbi thegjenealogjine geneaologye ofVojsaves Voisava inne ''Albanesische Studien'' (1854), includingduke aperfshire possiblenje relationlidhje withte themundshme Branaime familyfamiljen Branai orose [[Vrana Konti|Vranaj]].<ref>Hahn, [http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x387/byzas45/HahnBranai.jpg?t=1308124467 pfq. 309], elaboratingduke onpunuar possiblembi relationlidhjen ofe Voisavamundshme withte theVojsaves Branaime familyfamiljen Branai orose [[Vrana Konti|Vranaj]].</ref>
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*[[Karl Hopf]] (1832-1873), German historian anddhe ekspert expertgjerman inmbi Byzantinestudimet studiesbizantine, inne ''Chroniques Greco-romanes'' (1873) concludeskonkludon thatse VoisavaVojsava wasishte daughtervajza ofe anje Serbianfeudali lordserb fromnga PologPollogu.<ref>[http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x387/byzas45/FamilleCastriota.jpg K. Hopf, Castrioti family tree, pfq. 533]: "''fille du seigneur (Serbe) de Polog''”</ref>
*[[Fan S. Noli]] (1882–1965), anne Albanian-Americanbiografine writer,e intij hismbi biography of SkanderbegSkenderbeun (1947), adopted theadoptoi viewpikepamjen thatse Vojsava camevinte fromnga thefamilja Muzaka family.<ref>Noli 1947, pfq. 189, noteshenimi 33.</ref><ref>Babinger 1992, [http://books.google.com/books?id=PPxC6rO7vvsC&pg=PA53 p. 53]</ref> [[Harry Hodgkinson (writer)|Harry Hodgkinson]], toogjithashtu, considerse herkonsideron aate membernje ofanetare thete familjes Muzaka family.,<ref>Hodgkinson, pfq. 240</ref> althoughmegjithese hisvepra worke doestij notnuk provideofron informationinformacione fromnga anyndonje modernkerkim originalorigjinal researchmodern.<ref>Schmitt 2009, pfq. 8: "Gelandekundige, wie etwa ein britischer Geheimdienstoffizier des Zweiten Weltkriegs (H.Hodgkinson), wiederum, hatten keine Archivarbeit betrieben"</ref>
*[[Johann Georg von Hahn]] (1811-1869), nje njohes dhe studies gjerman i kulture shqipater qe ishte ne sherbim edhe te akademise austriak ete shkencave, had several thesis on the geneaology of Voisava in ''Albanesische Studien'' (1854), including a possible relation with the Branai family or [[Vrana Konti]].<ref>Hahn, [http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x387/byzas45/HahnBranai.jpg?t=1308124467 p. 309], elaborating on possible relation of Voisava with the Branai family or [[Vrana Konti]].</ref>
*[[Strashimir Dimitrov]] (1892-1960), [[Bulgarianakademik Academy of Sciences|Bulgarian Academician]]bullgar, saysthote thatse Vojsava wasishte anje daughtervajze ofe anje localbujari Bulgarianvendor [[boyar]]bullgar fromnga MacedoniaMaqedonia.<ref>Димитров, Страшимир: Георги Кастриоти-Скендербег и неговата освободителна борба, В: Г. Кастриоти Скендербег 1468-1968 г. София, сп. “Балкани”, БАН, No2, 1970, стр. 11.</ref>
*[[Karl Hopf]] (1832-1873), German historian and expert in Byzantine studies, in ''Chroniques Greco-romanes'' (1873) concludes that Voisava was daughter of a Serbian lord from Polog.<ref>[http://i1179.photobucket.com/albums/x387/byzas45/FamilleCastriota.jpg K. Hopf, Castrioti family tree, p. 533]: "''fille du seigneur (Serbe) de Polog''”</ref>
*Boban Petrovski (b. 1972-), anje historian modern Macedonian historianmaqedon, the authorautor ofi ''Voisava Tribalda'' (2006), thevepra onlye workvetme aboutrreth VoisavaVojsaven dhe gjenealogjine ande hersaj possiblete geneaologiesmundshme, concludeskonkludon thatse VoisavaVojsava wasishte ofme Slavicorigjine originsllave, mostme likelyshume Serbgjasa, thevajza daughtere ofnje afisniku lord of thenga "TriballiansTribaldet" inne PologPollog, that ruledqe beforesundonin thepara Ottomanpushtimit conquestosman.<ref>Petrovski, ppfq. 2, 3, 10</ref> HeAi haska severalmjaft thesisteza onmbi theidentitetin ultimatee identitybabait ofte Voisava's fatherVojsaves; "IfNese thefamilja [[Branković|Branković family]]qeveriste indeedne governedte Pologvertete inPollogun thene lastdekaden decadee offundit thete 14thshekullit centuryte XIV, itrritet arisesmundesia theqe chanceVojsava thatte Voisavakete wasqene avajza daughtere of [[Grgur Golubić|Kesar Grgur/Grgur Branković]]-it orose evenndoshta edhe e [[Vuk Branković]]-it."<ref>Petrovski, "Доколку ја прифатиме оваа варијанта, според која Бранковиките биле господари на/во Полог до почетког на последната деценија од XIV век, во тој случај произлегува дека Воисава била керка на Гргур или пак, можеби на Вук Бранковик."</ref>
*[[Fan S. Noli]] (1882–1965), an Albanian-American writer, in his biography of Skanderbeg (1947), adopted the view that Vojsava came from the Muzaka family.<ref>Noli 1947, p. 189, note 33.</ref><ref>Babinger 1992, [http://books.google.com/books?id=PPxC6rO7vvsC&pg=PA53 p. 53]</ref> [[Harry Hodgkinson (writer)|Harry Hodgkinson]], too, considers her a member of the Muzaka family.,<ref>Hodgkinson, p. 240</ref> although his work does not provide information from any modern original research.<ref>Schmitt 2009, p. 8: "Gelandekundige, wie etwa ein britischer Geheimdienstoffizier des Zweiten Weltkriegs (H.Hodgkinson), wiederum, hatten keine Archivarbeit betrieben"</ref>
*[[Oliver Jens Schmitt]] (b. 1973-), professorprofesor ofi South-Easthistorise Europeanse historyEvropes atjug-lindore [[Viennane University]]Universitetin e Vjenes, inne hisbiografine biographye tij ''Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan'' (2009) supportspohon thatse sheajo wasishte Serbianserbe, fromnga the BrankovićBrankovićet, closee relativeaferme toe afert me [[Mara Branković]]Brankovićin.<ref>Schmitt (2009), ppfq. 44, 45.; [http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/buecher/Schweizer-Historiker-beleidigt-Albaner/story/19392466 "Skanderbegs Mutter Vojsava war eine Serbin aus der einflussreichen Familie Brankovic."]</ref>
*[[Strashimir Dimitrov]] (1892-1960), [[Bulgarian Academy of Sciences|Bulgarian Academician]], says that Vojsava was a daughter of a local Bulgarian [[boyar]] from Macedonia.<ref>Димитров, Страшимир: Георги Кастриоти-Скендербег и неговата освободителна борба, В: Г. Кастриоти Скендербег 1468-1968 г. София, сп. “Балкани”, БАН, No2, 1970, стр. 11.</ref>
*Boban Petrovski (b. 1972), a modern Macedonian historian, the author of ''Voisava Tribalda'' (2006), the only work about Voisava and her possible geneaologies, concludes that Voisava was of Slavic origin, most likely Serb, the daughter of a lord of the "Triballians" in Polog, that ruled before the Ottoman conquest.<ref>Petrovski, pp. 2, 3, 10</ref> He has several thesis on the ultimate identity of Voisava's father; "If the [[Branković|Branković family]] indeed governed Polog in the last decade of the 14th century, it arises the chance that Voisava was a daughter of [[Grgur Golubić|Kesar Grgur/Grgur Branković]] or even [[Vuk Branković]]."<ref>Petrovski, "Доколку ја прифатиме оваа варијанта, според која Бранковиките биле господари на/во Полог до почетког на последната деценија од XIV век, во тој случај произлегува дека Воисава била керка на Гргур или пак, можеби на Вук Бранковик."</ref>
*[[Oliver Schmitt]] (b. 1973), professor of South-East European history at [[Vienna University]], in his biography ''Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan'' (2009) supports that she was Serbian, from the Branković, close relative to [[Mara Branković]].<ref>Schmitt (2009), pp. 44, 45.; [http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/kultur/buecher/Schweizer-Historiker-beleidigt-Albaner/story/19392466 "Skanderbegs Mutter Vojsava war eine Serbin aus der einflussreichen Familie Brankovic."]</ref>
Vojsava u martua me [[Gjon Kastrioti]]n,<ref group=Shenimi>Besimi i [[Gjon Kastrioti]]t, burri i Vojsaves, ishte i ndikuar drejtepersedrejti nga balancat e fuqive nderkombetare. Kur ai ishte aleat i Venecias, ne periudhen 1407—1410, ishte katolik. Pasi u be aleat me Stefan Lazarević-in, despotin e Despotatit serb ne periudhen 1419—1426, ai u konvertua ne ortodoks.te Egro 2010, [http://books.google.com/books?id=aCdYHU9PtiIC&pg=PA20 fq. 20]</ref> "Zotin e nje pjese te Shqiperise" (dominus partium Albanie). Ajo lindi 9 femije me Gjonin, 4 djem dhe 5 vajza:
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Voisava married [[Gjon Kastrioti]], the "Lord of a part of Albania" (dominus partium Albanie). She bore 9 children with Gjon, 4 sons and 5 daughters:
*[[Stanisha Kastrioti|Stanisha]] (†1445),
*[[Reposh Kastrioti|Reposh]], laterme tookvone monastici vowsperkushtuar ndaj jetes oshenare.
*[[Konstandin Kastrioti|Konstandin]],
*[[Mara Kastrioti|Mara]], e martuar me [[StefanStefanin I Crnojević]]
*[[Skanderbeu|Gjerg Kastrioti]] (1405-1468), heroi kombetar shqiptar; me vone organizues i [[Lidhja e Lezhës|Lidhjes se Lezhes]].
*[[Skanderbeg|George - Skanderbeg]] (1405-1468), Albanian national hero; Ottoman ''subaşi'' of Krujë, ''sanjakbey'' of Dibra, later organizer of the [[League of Lezhe]], and Napolitan vassal as of 1451
*[[Jelena Kastrioti|Jelena]], e martuar me [[Pavle Balšić]]<ref name=TS>Nicol 1997, [http://books.google.com/books?id=OEvWBG6Ct3YC] p. 96</ref>
*[[Mamica Kastrioti]], e martuar me [[MusachioMuzak ThopiaTopia]]n inne 1445<ref name=TS/>
*[[AngelinaAngjelina Kastrioti|AngelinaAngjelina]], e martuar me [[Vladin ArianitesArianiti]]n, brothervellai ofi [[Gjergj Arianiti]]t.
*[[Vlajka Kastrioti|Vlajka]], e martuar me [[GhinGjin MusachiMuzaka|Gjin Muzaken]],<ref name=TS/> me vone u martua me [[Stefan Strez Balšić]]Balšićin<ref>Noli 1947, pfq. 64: "Vlajka me Stefan Stres Balshën"</ref> withme whomte shecilin possiblyme gjasa hadpati sonsdjemte [[Ivan Strez Balšić]] dhe [[Gojko Balšić]]<ref>Gopčević 1914, pfq. 460: "Bezüglich der Strez herrscht Verwirrung. Hopf macht Ivo und Gojko BalSid zu Söhnen des Stefan Strez, welcher Vlajka Kastriota geheiratet hätte und Sohn des Gjuragj Balšić gewesen wäre, eines Bastards des Gjuragj I."</ref>
{{Cnote2 Begin|liststyle=upper-alpha}}
{{Cnote2|A|'''Name:''' Barleti gives her name as simply "Voisava" ({{lang-lat|Voisava}}),<ref name=BarletiuslIfo2/> without any surname. According to Muzaka her name was "Voisava Tripalda".<ref>Hopf 1873, p. 301, quoting Muzaka: "Muzachi "E la madre de detto Signor Scanderbeg, moglie del detto Signor Giovanni, hebbe nome Signora Voisava Tripalda e venne da bonna parte"</ref> According to Potter,<ref>[http://www.jstor.org/pss/554790 JSTOR: The English Historical Review, Vol. 53, No. 209 (Jan., 1938), pp. 129-131]</ref> and Hahn, the surname added by Muzaka is a corruption or derivative from Barleti's quote on the Triballi.<ref>J.G. von Hahn, Reise durch die Gebiet des Drin und Wardar, p. 305: "Skanderbeg's Mutter wird von dem Despoten einmal Visava Tribalda (*), ein andersmal Voisava Tripalda genannt, ...". (*)(Footnote 3) "Dieser Name mag vielleicth Anlass zu der sonderbaren Angabe des Barletius S. 4 gegeben haben, dass ihr Vater nobilissimus Tribalorum princeps gewesen sei." ("Tribalda" or "Tripalda" is a corruption or derivative from Barleti's quotation on Triballi)</ref><ref>Denkschriften Vol. 16, 1869, [http://books.google.com/?id=ri3mAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA1-PA117 p. 117]</ref> The given name is also rendered as '''Vojsava''', and her possible surname as '''Tribalda'''.
The name "Voisava" is Slavic,<ref>Gegaj 1937, p. 36: "Le nom Voisava est certes d'origine ''slave'', mais on ne peut en conclure, comme le fait JORGA, Brève histoire"</ref><ref>Jireček, Geschichle der Bulgaren, t. II, p. 368: "''affirme aussi l'origine slave des Castriota''"</ref> derived from '''[[Vojislav]]a'''.<ref>Šimundić 1988, [http://books.google.com/?id=9wAdAAAAYAAJ&q=voisava p. 370]</ref>}}
{{Cnote2|B|'''Religion:''' The religion of [[Gjon Kastrioti]], Voisava's husband, was directly influenced by the international balance of political powers. When he was an ally of Venice, in period 1407—1410, he was [[Roman Catholic]]. After he allied himself with [[Stefan Lazarević]], despot of [[Serbian Despotate]] in period 1419—1426, he converted to [[Orthodox Christianity|Orthodoxy]], and in 1431 he was converted to [[Islam]] due to his vassalage to the Ottoman Empire.<ref>Egro 2010, [http://books.google.com/books?id=aCdYHU9PtiIC&pg=PA20 p. 20]: "Gjon Kastrioti...was a Roman Catholic from 1407-1410, as an ally of Venice...he converted to Orthodoxy from 1419-1426, accepting the alliance of Stephen Lazarevic of Serbia."</ref>}}
{{cnote2 end}}
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*{{Citation |author=Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien|title=Denkschriften, Vol 16|url=http://books.google.com/?id=ri3mAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA1-PA117|year=1869|publisher=Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-Historische Klasse|edition=University of Michigan|language=German}}
*{{cite book|last=Babinger|first=Franz|title=Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=PPxC6rO7vvsC|accessdate=24 May 2011|year=1992|publisher=Princeton University Press|isbn=978-0-691-01078-6}}
*{{Citation |last=Egro|first=Dritan |author=Dritan Egro |editor=Oliver Jens Schmitt |editor-link= Oliver Jens Schmitt|title=Religion und Kultur im albanischsprachigen Südosteuropa |url = http://books.google.com/books?id=aCdYHU9PtiIC |volume= 4 |year=2010 |location=Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Wien |isbn= 978-3-631-60295-9 |page=20 |quote=Kastrioti}}
*{{Citation |author=[[John Foxe|Foxe, John]] (1517&ndash;1587)|title=Acts and Monuments, vol. 4|url=http://www.archive.org/stream/actsmonumentsofj04foxe/actsmonumentsofj04foxe_djvu.txt|publisher=R.B. Seeley & W. Burnside|location=London|year=1837}}
*{{Citation|last=Gegaj|first=Athanase|title=L'Albanie et l'Invasion turque au XVe siècle|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=usxBAAAAYAAJ|year=1937|publisher=Universite de Louvain|oclc=652265147|language=French}}
*{{cite book|last=Gopčević|first=Spiridon|year=1914|title= Geschichte von Montenegro und Albanien|publisher=F.A. Perthes|location=Gotha|oclc=9968504|url=http://books.google.com/books?ei=67VwT_GlG8PAtAbTxfnFAg|author=Spiridon Gopčević|authorlink=Spiridon Gopčević|accessdate=29 March 2012|language=German|quote=Kastriota}}
*{{Citation|last=Hahn|first=Johann Georg von|title=Reise durch die Gebiete von Drin und Wardar|location=Wien|year=1867|language=German}}
*{{cite book|last=Hodgkinson|first=Harry|title=Scanderbeg: From Ottoman Captive to Albanian Hero|page=240|publisher=I. B. Tauris|isbn=978-1-85043-941-7}}
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*{{Citation|last=Musachi|first=Giovanni|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=xTvPAAAAMAAJ|title=Chroniques gréco-romanes inédites ou peu connues|language=French}}
*{{Citation|last=Muzachi|first=Giovani|editor=G. J. Hopf|title=Chroniques Grecoromaines|language=Italian}}
*{{Citation|last=Noli|first=Fan Stilian|authorlink=Fan Stilian Noli|year=1947|title=George Castrioti Scanderbeg (1405–1468)|publisher=International Universities Press|oclc=732882|language=Albanian}}
*{{Citation |last= Petrovski |first= Boban |author= Boban Petrovski |title=Воисава Трибалда (Voisava Tribalda) |url=http://www.makedonika.org/whatsnew/nikolazezov/Petrovski,%20B.%20-%20Voisava%20Tribalda.pdf |year=2006 |location= Skopje |language= Macedonian}}
*{{Citation |last= Schmitt |first= Oliver Jens |author= Schmitt, Oliver Jens |title= Skanderbeg. Der neue Alexander auf dem Balkan |year=2009 |publisher= Verlag Friedrich Pustet |location= Regensburg |language= German}}
*{{Citation |author=Šimundić, Mate|year=1988|title=Rječnik osobnih imena|url=http://books.google.com/?id=9wAdAAAAYAAJ&q=voisava|quote="VOISAVA"|publisher=[[Matica hrvatska]]|language=Croatian|location=Zagreb}}
*{{Citation |last=Stuck|first=Whilhelm|author=Guilielmus Stukius Tigurinus|url=http://books.google.com/books?id=vRZKISETNi0C|title=Comments on Arriani historici et philosophi Ponti Euxini et maris Erythraei Periplus|publisher=Lugduni|year=1577}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=May 2011}}
{{Persondata <!-- Metadata: see [[Wikipedia:Persondata]]. -->
| NAME =Tripalda, Voisava
| ALTERNATIVE NAMES =Tribalda, Vojsava
| SHORT DESCRIPTION =Mother of Skanderbeg
| DATE OF BIRTH =2nd half of the 14th century
{{DEFAULTSORT:Tripalda, Vojsava}}
[[Kategoria:15th-century Albanian people]]
[[Kategoria:15th-century women]]
[[Kategoria:Kastrioti family]]
[[Kategoria:Fisnikëri shqiptare]]