University of Auckland

university in Auckland, New Zealand

External resources


referuar si: University of Auckland Library

Google Knowledge Graph ID
Harvard Index of Botanists ID
MusicBrainz place ID

referuar si: University of Auckland

ARK Name Assigning Authority Number
identifikues i BNF
CiNii Research ID
U-Multirank university ID
Te Papa agent ID
Freebase ID
Crunchbase organization ID
Microsoft Academic ID
Times Higher Education World University ID
Ringgold ID
emri në Twiter

X numeric user ID: 21146176

koha e fillimit: 17 shkurt 2009

data: 29 dhjetor 2020

Google Scholar organization ID
OpenAlex ID

referuar si: University of Auckland

ARWU university ID
NLA Trove people ID
IdRef ID
Alexander Turnbull Library ID
Open Funder Registry funder ID
EU Participant Identification Code
Library of Congress ID
QS World University ID
Japan Search name ID
UK Parliament thesaurus ID

referuar si: University of Auckland

EU VAT number

referuar si: University of Auckland

Libraries Australia ID
Google Maps Customer ID
Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) ID
Quora topic ID




Association of Commonwealth Universities

motto text

Ingenio et Labore[23]

literal translation: by natural ability and hard work

Ingenio et labore

literal translation: By natural ability and hard work

e vendosur në entitetin territorial administrativ të

Auckland Region

anëtar i

EFMD Quality Improvement System
Universitas 21
Association of Pacific Rim Universities[24]
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business
Association of MBAs

data: tetor 2023


data: 2021


University of Auckland, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences[28]
Riddet Institute[29]
University of Auckland Law School[22]

objekti ka rol: fakulteti i drejtësisë

Elam School of Fine Arts
University of Auckland, Faculty of Arts
University of Auckland Faculty of Creative Arts and Industries
University of Auckland, Faculty of Engineering
University of Auckland, Faculty of Science[22]

objekti ka rol: faculty of science

Liggins Institute

owner of

Gus Fisher Gallery
Kenneth Myers Centre
University of Auckland Art Collection

vendndodhja e selisë

Auckland City

kodi postar: 1142

shteti: Zelanda e Re

street address: 24 Princes Street, Alfred Nathan House

language used

koha e fillimit

23 maj 1883

webfaqja zyrtare


Bachelor of Commerce[31]

subjekt kryesor në studime: ekonomi, Financa, Kontabiliteti, commercial law, Marketingu, menaxhim, international business, shkencë e informacionit, business analytics

Bachelor of Arts

subjekt kryesor në studime: histori e artit, Orientalistika, kinezisht, classical studies and ancient history, Academic English Studies and Linguistics, communication, antropologjia, kriminologjia, dramë, ekonomi, arsimim, industrial relations, anglisht, Studimet Evropiane, frëngjisht, gender studies, gjeografi, gjermanisht, greqisht, histori, italisht, japonisht, Gjuha koreane, Gjuha latine, gjuhësi, Logic and Computation, matematikë, muzika, Māori, Pacific studies, filozofi, politikë, psikologji, shkencë shoqërore, sociologjia, spanjisht, statistika, Teologjia, televizioni

Bachelor of Dance
Bachelor of Design
Bachelor of Education

subjekt kryesor në studime: early childhood education, Huarahi Māori, primary teaching

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Music
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Bachelor of Science

subjekt kryesor në studime: antropologjia, biologji, Inxhinieria mjekësore, kimia, shkencë kompjuterike, data science, shkencë e Tokës, Inxhinieria mjedisore, exercise science and coaching, Shkenca e ushqimit, geographic information science, gjeografi, Gjeofizika, information technology management, Logic and Computation, matematikë, farmakologjia, fizikë, fiziologji, psikologji, statistika, green chemical science, oceanology

Bachelor of Social Work
Bachelor of Global Studies
Bachelor of Health Sciences

subjekt kryesor në studime: population health

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
honours degree

subjekt kryesor në studime: ligj, art, Shkencat biomjekësore, commerce, dance studies, Artet e bukura, shkencë shëndetësore, music, property, shkencë, Nëpunës i shërbimeve sociale, arsimim, nursing science, biomedicine


subjekt kryesor në studime: Psikologjia klinike, arsimim, Artet e bukura, mjekësi, muzika, filozofi, musical arts

postgraduate certificate

subjekt kryesor në studime: clinical education, arsimim, inxhinieri, Energjia gjeotermike, shkencë shëndetësore, arsim i lartë, teknologji e informacionit, ligj, social and community leadership, Përkthimi, clinical pharmacy

postgraduate diploma

subjekt kryesor në studime: applied psychology, arkitekturë, art, Shkencat biomjekësore, bioscience, biznes, clinical education, clinical pharmacy, counseling, dance studies, arsimim, educational leadership, inxhinieri, Artet e bukura, health psychology, shkencë shëndetësore, language education, muzika, Shëndeti publik, shkencë, Nëpunës i shërbimeve sociale, Përkthimi

graduate diploma

subjekt kryesor në studime: arkitekturë, commerce, ligj, muzika, shkencë, art

double degree
Master of Architecture
Master of Arts
Master of Bioscience Enterprise
Master of Business Administration
master of commerce

subjekt kryesor në studime: Kontabiliteti, commercial law, ekonomi, Financa, global management, shkencë e informacionit, Marketingu, Kërkimet operacionale

Master of Counselling
Master of Education
Master of Engineering Management
Master of Fine Arts
Master of Health Science
Master of International Business
Master of Laws

subjekt kryesor në studime: corporate law, Ligji Ndërkombëtar Publik, public law

Master of Management
Master of Music

subjekt kryesor në studime: composed musical work, Muzikologjia, performance

Master of Public Health
Master of Science
Master of Social Work
Master of Teaching and Learning
Master of Theology
Master of Urban Design
Master of Urban Planning
Master of Translation
Master of Taxation
Master of Social and Community Leadership
Master of Public Policy
Master of Property
Master of Nursing
Master of Marketing
Master of Marine Studies
Master of Literature
Master of Legal Studies
Master of Information Technology
Master of Indigenous Studies
Master of Human Resource Management
Master of Higher Education
Master of Heritage Conservation
Master of Health Psychology
Master of Health Practice
Master of Health Leadership
Master of Environmental Science
Master of Engineering Studies
Master of Engineering Geology
Master of Energy
Master of Earthquake Engineering
Master of Disaster Management
Master of Data Science
Master of Dance Studies
Master of Conflict and Terrorism Studies
Master of Community Dance
Master of Commercialisation and Entrepreneurship
Master of Clinical Pharmacy
Master of clinical Education
Master of Biomedical Science
Master of Audiology

social media followers


X numeric user ID: 21146176

data: 10 shkurt 2023

API endpoint URL

formë tjetër

Auckland University of Technology

Galeria në Commons

University of Auckland

kategoria në Commons

University of Auckland

kategoria kryesore

Category:University of Auckland

category for alumni of educational institution

Category:University of Auckland alumni

category for employees of the organization

Category:Academic staff of the University of Auckland


  1. ^ a b Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 23 tetor 2023, 139238542
  2. ^ 1140563741788141568, 29 tetor 2023, CiNii Research
  3. ^ 14 qershor 2022
  4. ^ Google Knowledge Graph, 17 korrik 2020
  5. ^ MusicBrainz, 2 korrik 2023
  6. ^ a b BnF authorities, 26 gusht 2015
  7. ^, University of Auckland, 2 nëntor 2021
  8. ^ Freebase Data Dumps, 28 tetor 2013
  9. ^
  10. ^ Microsoft Academic Knowledge Graph, 19 janar 2019, grid.9654.e
  11. ^ Aligned ISNI and Ringgold identifiers for institutions
  12. ^ GRID Release 2015-12-14
  13. ^ GRID Release 2016-12-06
  14. ^ OpenAlex, 25 janar 2022,
  15. ^ grid.9654.e
  16. ^ WorldCat Identities
  17. ^ GRID Release 2017-01-10
  18. ^ Datoteka e Autoritetit Virtual Ndërkombëtar, 3 gusht 2015
  19. ^ Japan Search, 21 mars 2020, オークランド大学
  20. ^ ko20211106680, 22 mars 2021, Czech National Authority Database
  21. ^ Quora
  22. ^ a b c 21 mars 2019
  23. ^
  24. ^, 24 janar 2024
  25. ^
  26. ^, 20 tetor 2023
  27. ^, Our Members / Tier 6, nëntor 2021
  28. ^ grid.9654.e, 14 dhjetor 2017
  29. ^ grid.484608.6
  30. ^ inferred from name or label
  31. ^
  32. ^, 23 qershor 2020